Prims By the Water

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Going South For The Winter

Good evening sweet blogging buddies.
Going South for the Winter....
ok I have a little confession.
Our tv is going South.
The south side of the room that is. :-)
I did some re-arranging for the upcoming
Christmas season.

Also wanted to make room for this adorable blue cabinet.

The perfect lil cabinet for my ginger bottle collection.

Its a corner cabinet and I put it up against our screen door.
Yes I have a screen door in my house.
Both my gramma H and gramma B had screen doors
on their farmhouses and I loved how they sounded when they shut.
So when we found this black screen door in a shed of an antique dealer,
we brought it home and hung it between our kitchen and back room.

This is where the tv was.

Then I just had to move our bench over to this corner.
Getting ready now to settle in and nest for the Winter.

Heading to Breckenridge, MI tomorrow
for a primitive antique show which will be on Saturday.
Hope to see you there.

North to South Blessings To All!


  1. Evening Janice, no matter what you do your home looks wonderful. love the cabinet, sweet bottle collection. I really love the bench too, many fine treasures you have. Good Luck with the show, Francine.

  2. Lovely furniture! Love your pieces! Have a good trip!

  3. Morning how you decorate and your changes. Your wall color looks like mine Old Gold 5?
    You will do well at Breckenridge !

  4. I spy lots of wonderful goodies in that room!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. You almost made me think you were goin' to Florida. Your house is so beautiful, a screen door is to die for.

  6. Looks great! Screen doors remind me of my grandparents too. Isn't funny how things like that can bring back so many memories!

  7. Janice...your home looks so cozy and welcoming! I love the colors used. Great cabinets! Going south....that was funny! I have two screen doors but they don't sound like Grandmas did. Squeeeeeek /slam:)
    You have great primitive taste.
    Hugs Marg

  8. I wish my tv would go south...literally....never had one in my living room,until 7 years ago....worst mistake! Now, my husband refuses to get rid of it and I hate it! Got one in two bedrooms and a huge one in the basement. HOpe you had fun in Breckinridge...I don't go to it's a good show, I just never find anything that speaks to me!


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