Prims By the Water

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Antique Trail Finds

Good evening sweet blogging buddies!
Before I hit publish...
seems like I always finish my post and I hit publish 
before asking you all this question.

I need to ask you all why do some who comment
come in as a no reply comment blogger.
Many of you have commented before,
and I cannot email you back.
I hope you do not think I am rude...
I just cannot email you back.

Ok, now for this post.
A few weekends ago I went on my annual quest for antiques.
We have a mini antique trail that goes around the Thumb of Michigan.
To be honest...I think it is going downhill.
When it first started there were antiques everywhere.
Now it is mostly garage sales with a few pockets of antiques
here and there.
Next year I think that Bob and I are going to do the US127 one
that starts here in Michigan and ends up in Alabama. that I am done
I was able to find a few things for the store
and a few goodies for our house.

First up this gorgeous trencher.

I placed it on top of my pumpkin pine cabinet.

Although the color seems is actually more of a teal color.

From the inside...this beauty was definitely used.
Makes me wonder what it was used for.
Did one of our foremothers place her dough in this to rise?
Did she use it for fruit?
I sometimes wish these pieces could talk.

My next find is one I have been on the hunt for many years.

Can anyone guess what this is?
I was so lucky when I found this.
It actually is the same blue as our jam cabinet.
Did you guess yet?
I will hang it on the wall eventually.
If you guessed a towel holder...
well you are wrong. LOL
It is a bowl rack.
WOOHOO for me...another item off my bucket list.

Do you have a bucket list of antiques you want to purchase?
Or do you just buy something because you like it?
I actually do both. 
I have my list and then I do purchase things I see and fit in later.

Bucket List Blessings To All!


  1. Hi Janice, I see a lot of no reply bloggers too.
    Love the trencher!!!

  2. Awesome trencher and bowl rack Janice! Lucky you! Lori

  3. Ugh blogger bugs.
    Love that awesome blue bowl rack.
    Woolie hugs

  4. I stopped blogging so I can't comment on the no reply thing. Maybe it's the settings they use?
    Beautiful blue trencher!
    I have a small "bucket list" of goodes I'd like to own someday. You are so lucky you can swap your goodes in and out of your shoppe. I ran out of room for the large pieces I want..;(

  5. Love your finds especially the teal bowl. I think most bloggers don't realize their settings are that way. I was the same way until someone bought it to my attention when I first started blogging. I dedicated an entire post about it because, like you I felt bad not being able to thank those who visited.

  6. Blogger bugs for sure. That happened to me...I became a no - reply blogger and did not even no I was. :-(

    I love your finds. I love the blue color.

  7. Yeah, I was too until someone pointed it out to me. I don't think people even realize it sometimes, I know I didn't.

  8. I want to do the 127 run some year too Janice! I guessed a bowl rack - it's awesome! No-reply must be in their settings. ~*~Lisa

  9. I hope I'm not a no-reply blogger. How do you check your blog settings to see if you are no-reply?


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