Prims By the Water

Monday, July 7, 2014

Mr PR Nibbles

Good evening dear sweet blogging buddies.
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
We had a beautiful sunshine filled one...
with thunderstorms early this morning.
Must say it was just perfect in our neck of the woods.

Let me introduce you to

Mr. PR Nibbles

He has a twinkle in his eye
don't you think? ;-)

For my new blogging buddies.
This was my birthday present last year.
I was saving it for the bedroom redux.
Now you might be asking....
how the heck did she hang that rug?
Let me give you my secret.
I asked hubby Bob for a hammer.
He was a bit miffed that I was going to put holes in his new wall.
I assured him it would not be so bad.
All it took was 5 sewing pins along the top.
Easy peasy.

Bob made this make do candle holder
from a piece of a pie safe tin.
I love it!
Can you see the star pattern?

This is where I chose to hang my cherished gifts.
Now you might think that it is a bit off center,
however when we open the door from the hallway
it is the same distance from the moulding on the left.
It fit just perfectly here.

Lastly I placed this early leather stool underneath.
I wanted a little stool near the bed so the grands
could get into bed since it is a bit high.

Loved these rivets on all sides that holds the leather in place.

Do you like my wall scape?

Monday Night Blessings To All!


  1. Very nice! The rug is wonderful and the candle holder is so special...they make a great pair!

  2. I might just need to come sleep over in that beautiful bedroom Janice. {hehe} Love your rug and the candle holder is wonderfully prim. Have a great week

  3. Yes, I do like it. :-)
    It all looks beautiful. I love bunnies, so I always enjoy when you share.

  4. Great way to hang the precious rug. I love seeing all your treasures.

  5. I LOVE IT!!!
    You did a wonderful job putting it all together!
    My husband has a heart attack every time I put a nail in the wall too!
    Prim Blessings

  6. Oh Janice, loving the candle make do, Bob did a great job. What a wascally wabbit, so cute, Blessings Francine.


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