Prims By the Water

Monday, July 21, 2014

Bluesy Kind Of Day

Good evening sweet friends.
Of course Monday is always a bluesy kind of day...
so let me give you a pick me up.

Now of course my sweet Ace kitty always, always
has to check out anything new we bring into the house.
Does your sweet pets do the same thing?

He got so compfy that he was sleeping...
until I tried to snap a pic.
Then I got the look.

A few weekends ago,
Bob and I came across this blue beauty.
It is a jam/ jelly cabinet.
I immediately fell in love with it
and moved out a different cabinet in our bedroom
to make room for this one.

This one will better fit my new 
master bedroom redux that I am planning.

Do you feel less bluesy now about it being Monday?

A Bluesy Kind of Blessings To All!


  1. Hi Janice, I love your horse and love how your furbaby loves the house too. Your cabinet is awesome, so many wonderful treasures you have. hugs, Lecia

  2. My cats are the same way! Ace is adorable.

  3. Our pets do that too. I think it's cute. :) ~Jessica

  4. Hi Janice, love the old horse but that fur baby is precious, Blessings Francine.


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