Prims By the Water

Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Swap Goodies

Good Sunday morning friends!
Long picture post...
The sun is out but more snow on the way,
then turning to freezing rain and back to rain.
Currently we have ice in the river.
It comes down from Lake Huron down
to us and jams up where the river turns into
2 channels that go into Lake St. Clair.

When the ice comes in the ducks leave.

I received my goodies from Amy's
Valentine Swap.
My swap partner was Fran from
I forgot my camera at the store,
so when I opened the box,
it took every ounce of me not to open these
packages right away.
But I waited until the snow stopped and went to the store
grabbed the camera and drove back home as quick as I could.
I was tickled pink at all of the goodies I received from Fran!
Bob and I ate the cookies right away last night...yummy!
Mikayla loved the rose pen and begged me to have it.
Being the softie gramma that I am,
I let her use it.

Fran gave us a personalized wood heart that reads
We love it Fran!
One of Fran's dolls in my favorite colors!
Plus her little friend...too cute!
I proudly put them both on my kitchen cabinet.
This pic is not very good, but this is a miniature paper calendar
with February 14th marked off in red with a red heart.
The entire calendar is clipped together with a clothespin.
Then she gave me this.

This jar of homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
These fabric strawberries are adorable!

I love this jar because it was from my hometown roots
of Port Sanilac, MI
Fran visits the same places as Bob and I do.
We probably have been at the same place and did not even know it.
A great big
I love it all!
Also a big
To Amy
for hosting such a wonderful swap.
Sunday Blessings To All!


  1. Great gifts to enjoy! I'm getting cold just looking at those snowy pictures! Brrrr

  2. Morning Janice, pretty winter pictures........You recieved wonderful swap goodies from Fran, love the sweet little prim dollies, so cute......The wooden heart with your names is adorable, you were spoiled..........Blessings Francine.

  3. What a sweet, thoughtout, personalized gift! Wonderful!

  4. Your snow pictures are beautiful! I hope you are staying warm and cozy inside.

    I just love Fran, she is the sweetest gal!! My favorite thing she sent you would be the personalized heart, that is adorable! Cute idea of the calendar, I need to do that with our anniversary.

    How neat that you and Fran visit the same places. Funny to think that you probably have been there the same time and not even know it, haha!

    I enjoyed visiting with you Janice, have a delightful week ahead~

  5. Love all of your swap goodies! What neat items. Love the snow pictures too. Still hoping to see some down here before winter is done! :) Have a happy Sunday.

  6. Hello Janice! Oh she sent you some wonderful goodies! I saw Fran's dolls on her Facebook and I just adore them, lucky you! And she sent food, yumm! Enjoy your goodies :)

  7. okay the ice can melt any day now!
    Your swapping partner did good!!! Enjoy!
    Happy Day

  8. Janice~ You have more reserve than me.LoL..I so would not have been able to wait and would have ripped right in.Yummm chocolate chip cookies sweet of you to share..The dolls are so cute.How special the jar.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  9. Happy Sunday Janice, We got 31.5 inches of snow from Friday night into Saturday. We live in a small town of Hopkinton, Mass. but my husband got tons of firewood in the house and everything is cleaned up but they are saying cold snow and frezzing rain, Yep it's New England weather. I loved seeing your pictures of the snow, my Cannon broke because I DROPPED it but we are getting it fixed.
    I LOVE, LOVE all your wonderful goodies you got from Amy's swap she did, Your swap patner Fran was SO good to you.
    Have a blessed Sunday night and stay safe and warm,

  10. Hi Janice, can't believe the snow. Now that we live in Florida, I tend to forget all about it...stay warm! Great swap goodies:)

  11. First of all Janice thanks for sharing the pics of the river!! I never get to see the Lake or River in the winter becuz I don't go there in the winter by choice!! LOL So glad you loved everything! I LOVED seeing it in your pics. I will be posting mine today later. Busy weekend. I bet your right we have been at the same place at the same time!! LOL Have a great windy Michigan day!! XOXO Love Fran.

  12. Beautiful river..
    And what awesome Valentine swap from Fran.
    Lots of love there.
    Woolie hugs


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