Prims By the Water

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chickens Laying Colored What

Good morning all my blogging friends!

So there is a rumor out there
that a breed of chickens lays not just
a golden egg,
but many colors.

I would not believe it...

Until I saw it for myself! LOL
Just kidding.
These are my fabric eggs that I just cannot keep in the store.
I sell them in these vintage egg cartons.

Would you eat an egg this color?

Which brings me to Mikayla's story.
I brought home a dozen of brown eggs recently.
Mikayla (my grand) asks
"Gramma are these eggs still good cause they turned brown"
I had to laugh.
Growing up on a farm, I only saw brown eggs,
and I said the same thing to my mom
when I saw a white egg in the grocery store for the first time.

So yesterday this was our morning sky.

Fog on the river as the sun was coming up.

With ice floating down.
This morning woke up to more snow.
One inch an hour it was coming down.
6 to 8 inches...have not checked the actual total yet.

Colored Easter Egg Blessings To All!

Monday, February 25, 2013

I've Been A Bad Blogger

Sorry once again.
 I am having to apologize for my absence.
I've been a bad blogger for sure.
Just busy getting things ready for our upcoming antique show
and still creating new goodies for the store.
So for weeks now...almost a month I have been eying this
awesome early pull toy horse.
This is an actual horse that a child would ride.
Someone would pull them around.
The price was way way out of my budget.
Every week I would look at it, wishing it could come home with me.

Saturday, the antique dealer that owned this horse came into our store.
I did not work Saturday, however Bob was there.
She was looking at one of our cabinets.
She measured the entire cabinet and said she would be back on Sunday.
Bob asked me Saturday night if I still wanted that horse.
I said yes, but it was too much money to spend.
Bob got the idea of asking her if she would be willing to trade
her horse for our cabinet.
The horse was more than our cabinet,
so we were willing to also give her some money with the trade.
The horse came home last night
as an even trade.
It proudly stands tall on our hallway cabinet.
Trading Blessings To All!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Valentine Present

Good evening friends,
The day started off with rain,
changing to high winds and now it is
snowing once again.
Sorry, I have been absent a few days.
I have been busy purchasing new items for the store
and also making Spring goodies.
 On one of our picks last week,
I came across this lamp.
It is a reproduction crock lamp.
The owner told us it was a very old crock.
I wanted to tell him that was a bunch of crock he was giving us,
but we wanted the other real crocks he also had. LOL
So this lamp ended up as my Valentine present.
I love it in its new place in our living room!
I placed my little tulip quilt pillow in front in the hopes
that Spring will come soon....
Pre Spring Blessings To All!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Who's Ready For Spring?

I am the first to admit that I am so ready for Spring.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

Good morning everyone.
Woke up to freezing rain.
Its gonna be a tricky ride along the river this morning.
I started working on Spring goodies for the store.

I just kept making carrots all day Sunday.
they multiplied like bunnies. LOL
Groups of threes tied in jute.
These whites are called White Linen.
I created the aged tag myself using white cardstock.
Orange ones.
Sugarsnax Variety.

Finally my Kaleidoscope Mix
Orange, Purple and White.

Working on bunnies now.

Carrot Blessings To All!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sometimes Life Is One Big Crock

So I take things in stride and just go with it.
Do you like my analogy? LOL
Good morning my dear sweet friends!
Windy weather this morning.
All is well.
My life is filled with these crocks...
both big and small. ;0)
Below some of our newest stoneware/ crocks.

Some of our newest stoneware.
 I love these cherries!

                                                             Another blue slip crock.

                                                        This ginger bottle is very tall.

The crock on the right is already sold.

Bob and I will be selling our prim antiques
at the Breckenridge Michigan show at the end of March.
We are setting items aside just for this show.
Hope to see some of my Michigan friends there!

Stoneware Blessings To All!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Swap Goodies

Good Sunday morning friends!
Long picture post...
The sun is out but more snow on the way,
then turning to freezing rain and back to rain.
Currently we have ice in the river.
It comes down from Lake Huron down
to us and jams up where the river turns into
2 channels that go into Lake St. Clair.

When the ice comes in the ducks leave.

I received my goodies from Amy's
Valentine Swap.
My swap partner was Fran from
I forgot my camera at the store,
so when I opened the box,
it took every ounce of me not to open these
packages right away.
But I waited until the snow stopped and went to the store
grabbed the camera and drove back home as quick as I could.
I was tickled pink at all of the goodies I received from Fran!
Bob and I ate the cookies right away last night...yummy!
Mikayla loved the rose pen and begged me to have it.
Being the softie gramma that I am,
I let her use it.

Fran gave us a personalized wood heart that reads
We love it Fran!
One of Fran's dolls in my favorite colors!
Plus her little friend...too cute!
I proudly put them both on my kitchen cabinet.
This pic is not very good, but this is a miniature paper calendar
with February 14th marked off in red with a red heart.
The entire calendar is clipped together with a clothespin.
Then she gave me this.

This jar of homemade Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
These fabric strawberries are adorable!

I love this jar because it was from my hometown roots
of Port Sanilac, MI
Fran visits the same places as Bob and I do.
We probably have been at the same place and did not even know it.
A great big
I love it all!
Also a big
To Amy
for hosting such a wonderful swap.
Sunday Blessings To All!

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Farm Truck

Good afternoon friends.
I worked from home today.
So glad my boss allows us to take our laptops home..
because it would have been a rough ride driving 
along the river this morning.
We got another 7 inches of snow on the ground after our storm warning
was over about noon today.

If you have been following me for awhile,
you know that I spent many days on
both my maternal and paternal dairy farms.  

I saw a red truck last week which reminded me of
my gram's farm truck.
Gramma B (my maternal gramma) was a fast driver.
Did I say
This is a picture of the farm truck my gramma drove.
Not as nice as this picture though.
Her Ford took a beating but kept on ticking...
better than a Timex. LOL
She drove so fast that if an older person was driving
slower than her,
she would shout out.
C'mon Gramma or
C'mon Grampa
Get Moving.

My sister and I always got a kick out of her,
and we would laugh and say gramma you are probably
 just as old as them.
She would laugh and say...
"If they cannot drive the speed limit then they should not drive".

Guess my gramma forgot she was a lead foot. LOL

We loved driving with her to town once a week.
She would get a few groceries,
feed for the chicks,
and we would get treated to
Dairy Queen!
burger fries and ice cream...nothing better to a kid
growing up in the Summer on a farm.

The irony of this story,
is my paternal gramma (gramma H)
hated to drive and drove under the speed limit
wherever she went.
Gramma B probably yelled at her a time or too as well. LOL

Farm Truck Blessings To All!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Reveal Of My Giveaway

Good evening friends!
Well I am sure everyone is sitting on pins and needles
 wondering who is the winner of my
 Heart Giveaway.
26 of you made a comment on which set of hearts you would like.
Although I did not reach my 200 followers..
so close at 195...
and yes Bob beat me on his Facebook...
he rubs it in every day.
I want to thank each and everyone one of you who follow me.
Even though I sometimes am not able to email you back
with your sweet comments, I do appreciate them!
Alright, on to the winner.
Should I make you wait some more?
Well after entering the data into
Random Generator,
The winner of my Heart Giveaway is...
Grandma Barb's This and That.
Congrats to Barb!
She chose the White Sprinkled ones.
Well, after discussing this with the higher powers that be...
namely Bob.
I decided to draw another name.
This time for those who wanted the Pink Frosted hearts.
The winner of the second drawing is....
Mugwump Woolies
Congrats to Robyn!
Robyn and Barb,
please email me with your addys (address)
so I can ship out your goodies.
Thank you all again for entering my giveaway.
More to come...
Valentine Blessings To All!


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Does Anyone Else Have

The Winter Blues?
Good morning friends.
Well it seems that Punxsutawney Phil
did not see his shadow this morning.
Guess he forgot to tell Mother Nature
here in Michigan because it has been snowing
all morning.
Bob has already shoveled the sidewalk twice
in front of our store.
So does anyone else wish Spring would get here soon?
I cannot wait to see our Big Rive blue again,
with the freighters heading up and down.

Feeling the blues a bit, so decided to show you
some of my favorite blues.

My recent score is this old blue and white quilt top.
The shoppe owner who I bought it from
said it would make a great cutter quilt.
"Oh no...I won't cut this up". I told her.
Even though I do not smoke,
I love to collect old tobacco tins.
Another one of my blue quilts.
(I have this one at the store for displays currently)
The crock pitcher is a new find.
This one is a 14 inches high.
Circa 1860 Southern Bennington.
For those who would like to date brown crocks and jugs,
look for the iridescence in the brown.
These are all civil war era.
On another note,
cannot wait to see all the amazing
 Superbowl Commercials tomorrow.
Bob and I will be watching the game at home,
and I will make a few appetizers.
Go Ravens!

Plus only 4 more days for my Valentine Heart drawing.
I am so close to 200 and would like to have another drawing for my
200 follower giveaway.
So tell your friends they might have a chance to win two giveaways! 
PS. Will someone tell Phil to talk to Mother Nature for us.
Weekend Blessings To All!