Prims By the Water

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Post Christmas Festivities

Here are some pics of the grands,
kids and mom opening their gifts.
Look Peepers! Santa came!
Literally after Mikayla opened all of her presents,
she gave her mommy a present in the bathroom.
We could not believe that much could come out of such a little tummy.
Christmas Eve 8:00pm
Grands, daughter Michele and mom. 
My mom was already sick.
She was such a trooper and she even went with me to Midnight Mass.
My turn to get sick was when we returned home.
Son Matt.
Post Christmas Blessings to All!


  1. Great Christmas pictures, Janice, so sorry to hear all were sick......Take Care, Francine.

  2. I am so sorry to hear that your Mom was sick and still went to midnight mass God Bless her.
    Now you are sick, I hope you start to feel better soon.
    The Christmas tree looks beautfiul and the kiddo's looked liked they had an AWESOME Christmas.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy New Year,

  3. Hope that you all are on the mend and recovering. Despite the illness, everyone appears to be enjoying themselves. What a good sport your Mom is, midnight Mass, way past my bedtime. Sending New Year's greetings from Maine, Julie.

  4. Cute pics! Hope all of you are feeling much better!

  5. Awwwwww... Great presents but oh yucky! So not fun for you all! Hope you are getting to be on the mends... I read your other creative blog about the flu- funny but not funny... Poor you!

    Praying for you! Happy New Years!

  6. Great pictures.
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Have a Happy New Year.

  7. Hi Janice! Lovely family you have there and home too! I sure miss having Christmas with my Grandparents, it was my favorite time of year. My children get presents in the mail but it's not like we can drive across town to see them on Christmas. I remember a few years ago we drove for three days to surprise my parents and grandparents t my uncles on Christmas Eve. They didn't have a clue so my uncle told them to answer the door and there we gift we could have given them. This year it was quite and simple for our little family which was,probably a good thing. Anyhow have a great new year and ill talk to you in 2013!

  8. Janice, Looks like everyone had a wonderful time! Hugs! OLM

  9. I really don't think you had enough gifts tucked under (and around and around) that tree!! Lucky grands!! Hope your mom (and you) are on the mend - there is something definitely NASTY floating around (hubby got sick Christmas Eve too and is still battling it....) Hoping I don't catch class starting Wednesday. :o Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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