Prims By the Water

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Miracle

For awhile now (almost 20 years) Christmas has been more of a somber occasion
rather than a cheerful one.
You see, my father passed away just before Christmas and my family buried him on Christmas Eve morning.
It was very hard on me because I was daddy's little girl
and this was my dad's favorite time of year.
Plus I felt guilty because I had postponed our annual Christmas tree hunt
 with my parents by one week. 
My dad ended up in the hospital and passed the following week.
 He never enjoyed that last Christmas tree and I blamed myself.
After that year, I only went through the motions of decorating,
not really caring or cheerful.
It took me almost 20 years to realize that I should be cheerful...
not somber.
My dad left me with so many wonderful memories and traditions.
One being that he loved poinsettias.
Red Poinsettias.

 So even though I dare not purchase live ones because of my kitties,
I have filled our home with red poinsettias this year.   

This year with the grands living with us now,
I really changed my attitude about decorating.
I am glad I I felt my dad's presense this year.

The whole house was done up in Christmas cheer.

I enjoyed getting in on the merriement...
even though I did not finish.
Sorry life got in the way.

In all this merriment, last night something wonderful happened.
I was in bed when I was awoke by a tiny little bell.
Somewhere an angel got his/her wings!

Merry Christmas each and everyone one.
Remember Christ and his wonderful angels.

Christmas Blessings to All!




  1. Your father is smiling down on you Janice, Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. I'm glad you found your Christmas spirit again. I believe in angels too. I think that bell was your Dad telling you he was pleased.
    Merry Christmas

  3. So sorry that you lost your Dad right before Christmas, but so glad you found the Christmas spirit again. I, too, think that the bell was your Dad telling you that he was pleased.
    Blessings to you and your family this Christmas!

  4. Thanks for sharing your story. So sorry about your Dad. It is hard for me also this Christmas as I just lost my Dad in June and it is the first Christmas in 56 years that he has not been in my life. I just decorated yesterday, just wasn't the same.
    Have a Merry Christmas. Love the red pointsettias.

  5. Hi Janice, I know your dad is looking down on you from Heaven and smiling. I know he would want you to be happy and decorate and enjoy the Christmas season like he did.
    But it is hard when we have to go on without our loved ones.
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas! hugs, Lecia

  6. Morning Janice, your Daddy would be so happy for you decorating for his favorite Holiday. The red Pointsettia are so beautiful.......Yes, so hard to celebrate without our loved ones, but, they are still in our hearts at all times......Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and all the best in the New Year, Hugs Francine.

  7. Hi Janice...hope your Christmas Eve is full of fun and laughter especially with the grandchildren fun.
    I'm sorry you went through what you did with your fathers passing...I guess when we're so young we don't understand the 'guilt' - we just feel something.
    I'm so happy you came out of it and are now enjoying the 'fun' part of Christmas - as well as the reason for Christmas.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment.
    Blessings and Merry Christmas

  8. AWE.......
    Hopew you have a lovely holiday!
    Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

  9. Beautiful! Merry Christmas Janice, I'm sure your daddy is smiling up in Heaven.


  10. Dear Janice,
    I am so touched by your story and your loving memories of your Dad. I often wonder if our loved ones are looking over heaven's banister and watching the happy times in our life. Could it be that tiny bell was a sign of your Dad's stamp of approval?
    I'm so glad you had a Merry Christmas, my friend!
    Carolynn xxx

  11. I'm glad you shared this, Janice. I've had the same sort of "relationship" with Easter, as my father passed on Easter morning. I was supposed to go on a class trip to Mexico (big deal for a farm kid who never even got out of town) - we could not afford it, but somehow my father and mother scraped things together so I could go with the class....then the dr called my mother and said he didn't think I should go. I remember my last visit at the hospital with my dad and him telling me that I must "hate him" for ruining my trip....and stupid kid that I was couldn't say anything in response. Talk about carrying around a package of guilt.... :o( To this day, the smell of Easter lilies make me sad.... Glad, though, you worked through it and found your cheer. I was wondering what happened with the merriment chain - I knew you were going to be gone a few days, but then you disappeared! Oh well, I truly enjoyed all your posts that you did make! It did bring me joy.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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