Prims By the Water

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Birthday Giveaway

Well it's that time again.
I will be another year older....

 In honor of my December 2nd birthday.
I am doing my annual birthday giveaway,
where you my blogging friends have the chance to win
something from me.

This year I have decided to put a little twist on my giveaway.
This time it will be a surprise.
Hand made Christmas goodies made by me wrapped as a Christmas package.

To be entered you must be a current or new follower
and answer all five questions below.
Easy peasy questions so we all can get to know you a little better.
Extra chance if you post to your side bar.

Are we ready?

Here we go!

1. What was your favorite toy that you received as a child?

2. What is your favorite Christmas movie?

3. What is your favorite Christmas song?

4. Do you celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day, Christmas Eve or another day?

5. What Christmas tradition was passed down to you from your parents or grandparents?
If you did not have a tradition that was passed down,
did you start your own?

Ok, so here are my answers.

1. My favorite toy was a farm set complete with barn, silo, animals, feed and farm equipment. I was a tomboy...hated dolls. Now Santa never came to my parents house.
He always managed to deliver his presents to both my maternal and paternal grandparents homes. The year I had asked Santa for the farm set, I thought he did not listen to me. I woke up at gramma/ grampa H's and opened all of my farm set.
At that time I was like Susan Walker (Miracle on 34th St) All the way over to gramma B's saying to myself...I do believe in Santa Claus...I do believe in Santa Claus.

Well no farm set at gramma B's either. I was really miffed at Santa then.
Did Santa not give me the farm set because I was a girl?

Much to my surprise, there in my own bedroom at home,
was the entire farm set displayed on a card table with a red bow that read:
To: Janice
From: Santa


This was my most favorite toy memory.

2. Favorite Christmas move is of course Miracle on 34th St.
The original black and white version.

3. Favorite song is Silent Night

4. Growing up we always went to Midnight mass and celebrated Christmas
on Christmas Day. 
Now we celebrate with my mom, sister, brother and their families the Sunday before Christmas and then celebrate with the kids and grands on Christmas Eve.

5. The Christmas traditions...yes there are a few...
Gramma B and now my mom's Christmas many varieties.
Gramma H made the yummiest fudge.
My mom also started a tradition of moving a vintage elf around the house,
and we had to find him on a daily basis.
I do this now with the grands. They each have their own elf they have to find.
My dad loved to look at the Christmas tree at night and listen to Christmas Carols....
I now do the same.

So that does it for my Birthday giveaway.
Just answer the questions in a comment and you will be entered.
Open to current or new followers (US and Canada only)

Extra chance if you post to your side bar.
Please let me know if you do.
Drawing will be held December 3rd.

Good luck everyone!

Birthday Blessings to Me
and Christmas Blessings to all


  1. Oh!!! what fun, a Birthday gal having a giveaway.....I`m a follower and will post on my sidebar....Favorite toy was a Thunbulina Doll,she was sweet....Movie is Christmas Vacation, love to laugh.....We celebrate on Christmas day......Song is The Christmas Song.....and as a Tradition, always enjoy Christmas with my middle Sister passing out the presants Christmas morning.......Thanks Janice......Blessings Francine.

  2. Pls count me in Janice! I am a follower and will post on my sidebar. Your farm toy story almost made me cry! Happy early birthday!
    1. Favorite Toy: Wooden doll house 2. Movie: Rudolph & A Christmas Story 3. Song: Silver Bells & Christmastime is Here from Charlie Brown Christmas 4. Family gathering & church Christmas Eve & Presents & Dinner Christmas Day 5. Tradition: Always have sugar cookies available! ~*~Lisa

  3. Happy Birthday Janice
    I love Christmas questions. I am having them starting Sat.
    Ive been doing that with family and friends for years.
    Sooo fun.
    My favorite Christmas gift was a new christmas nightgown from my aunt and CRAYONS!
    My fav movie is It's A Wonderful Life
    My Fav song is The Christmas Song by Nat
    Christmas Eve and Day..It's a about Family
    Tradition going to a tree farm and cutting down our tree :)
    Woolie Christmas Love

  4. Hi Janice! I enjoyed the story of the Barn and silo, it's just how we keep the Christmas magic alive. I'll enter in your Birthday giveaway! Ok so 1.I believe it was a penguin fridge/freezer that had plastic life like ice cubes. It haunted me so much as an adult, that I searched for one for a year to give my kids except, when I did find one, it was going for $500! I didn't want it that badly. 2. It's a Wonderful Life/& Elf. 3. Baby it's cold outside. 4. We celebrate on Christmas Day. 5. We open up one gift on Christmas Eve, however, I'm beginning a tradition of pride in handmade gifts instead of store bought.

    Thanks so much for hosting a surprise giveaway. Check my blog in December, I'll be hosting one as well.


  5. What a great way to celebrate!
    1. My favorite gift received was a small doll - my grandma crocheted a wardrobe for her.
    2. It's a Wonderful Life.
    3. Mary Did You Know?
    4. New PJs to wear to bed on Christmas Eve.
    5. Quiche Lorraine for breakfast Christmas morning.

  6. Happy early birthday Janice! I love reading all of these fun tidbits! I would love to be entered in your giveaway so here are my answers.
    1. Favorite toy...a handmade kitchen set
    2. Movie...It's a Wonderful Life
    3. Song O Holy Night
    4. Growing up we always went to my Grandpa and Grandma's on Christmas eve and then Santa came in the morning at our house. Now the whole family celebrates together on Christmas day.
    5.Tradition...on Christmas Day before we start with the presents and food we have a processional into the manger and put baby Jesus into the manger. We read the Christmas story and also have a cake for Baby Jesus.
    Be blessed,


    1. What was your favorite toy that you received as a child?

    Probably the Winnie the Pooh I got when I was in 2nd grade.

    2. What is your favorite Christmas movie?

    It's a tie between The Bishop's Wife with Cary Grant and the old Christmas in Connecticut!

    3. What is your favorite Christmas song?

    It's a tie between Silent Night and O Holy Night.

    4. Do you celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day, Christmas Eve or another day?

    The Day itself

    5. What Christmas tradition was passed down to you from your parents or grandparents?

    Opening presents Christmas morning

  8. Hi Janice, well first I want to wish you a Happy Birthday. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway! I loved hearing about your Christmas favorites and traditions.1) My favorite toy, when I was 5 I received a beauty shop doll with all of the accessories, and I am a hairdresser today.
    2) Favorite, a tie between, "It's a wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Story".
    3) favorite song, "Silent Night"
    4) We have a get together on Christmas Eve. but open gifts on Christmas morning with our family.
    5) Passed down traditon- Open gifts on Christmas morning.
    One thing that I started with my kids. They would think
    they had opened all of their gifts on Christmas, but right before bedtime, I would bring out another small gift and said, "Oh my, Santa forgot to give you this". That always made a little excitement and something to look forward too.

  9. Happy birthday Janice, I hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks for always stopping by my blog! xoxo
    1. What was your favorite toy that you received as a child?
    I received a flannel nightgown and a doll wearing the same nightgown, I thought that was the coolest thing ever!
    2. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
    White Christmas
    3. What is your favorite Christmas song?
    Silent Night
    4. Do you celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day, Christmas Eve or another day?
    5. What Christmas tradition was passed down to you from your parents or grandparents?
    Oh so many, Probably making Italian cookies.

  10. First off all - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it is full of fun and laughter!
    I'm already a follower of your blog and here are my answers.
    1. My favorite toy was a big stuffed Cecil...the dragon from the old Cecil and Beanie shows (long long time ago). You could pull a ring on a string and he would say different things. Both my sister and I received one (I think I was only 2), but I do remember it fondly!
    2. My favorite Christmas movie is "It's a Wonderful Life". We used to live in Seneca Falls, NY, which claims to be the town that inspired Bedford Falls. Each year they turn downtown into their rendition of the fictional town, complete with the Bailey Bldg & Loan.
    3. My favorite Christmas song is also Silent Night - it's what CHRISTmas is all about!
    4. We celebrate mostly on Christmas day, but open gifts from my husband's family out west on Christmas eve.
    5. Some of our family traditions revolve around eating too - the traditional Christmas cookies-snowballs, spritz, chocolate pixies-it wouldn't be Christmas without them.
    Thanks for making us take the time to reflect on the Season. Sending Christmas blessings.

  11. . What was your favorite toy that you received as a child?
    A real motorcycle. I was a tomboy too! I got a real Honda 50 chrome edition morotcycle. I rode it until my knees touched the handlebars!

    2. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
    Home Alone

    3. What is your favorite Christmas song?
    Beautiful Star of Bethlehem

    4. Do you celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day, Christmas Eve or another day?
    We celebrate with my parents on Christmas Eve and then have Santa on Christmas day at home with Darbee. Everyone comes here during the day to see what she got and play and we have out finger foods to munch on.

    5. What Christmas tradition was passed down to you from your parents or grandparents?
    If you did not have a tradition that was passed down,
    did you start your own?
    We always were allowed to open one Christmas present on Christmas Eve. We still do that.
    We also chose a night to ride around town and look at lights.

    What a fun giveaway! Thanks!

  12. I forgot to add, I put this on my sidebar!

  13. Hi. I am a follower. My answers to your questions......

    1. Favorite toy received as a child? My cardboard play playhouse.
    2. My favorite Christmas movie was a tie between frosty the snowman and Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer.
    3. My favorite Christmas song is Mary Did You Know. I like Reba McIntyres version.

    4. We celebrate Christmas on the day but also have lots of celebrating on the eve and after.
    5. One tradition passed down actually came from in-laws...we would take Turns picking songs to sing in order taking turns by age

  14. Wonderful story about the farm...real Christmas magic!
    1. My favorite toy was a Ginny doll...I still have her.
    2. Miracle on 34th Street...the my favorite movie.
    3. O Holy Night and The Little Drummer Boy...both favorite songs.
    4. Favorite tradition..our family going to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve and then spending Christmas day with my grandparents
    5. A fun tradition was playing I Spy with the ornaments on the Christmas tree and saying night prayers in front of the creche under the tree on Christmas Eve.
    Thanks for the fun!

  15. ...I am your newest follower and thanks for joining my blog too!! now, to answer some questions:
    favorite toy~ Barbie house, Barbie, and Barbie case.
    favorite movie~Prancher
    favorite song!Silent Night
    Celebrate Christmas with all the family on Christmas Eve.
    My mom always made Nut Horn cookies (Mexican Wedding Cakes) and we had German Stollen.

  16. Would love to be entered!
    Favorite Toy: My red Hippity Hop!
    Favorite Movie: It's a Wonderful Life
    Favorite Song: Karen Carpenter's Merry Christmas Darling
    Celebrate: On Christmas Day
    Christmas Tradition: Holy Night Supper on Christmas Eve (a Polish traditon that has been passed on for generations)
    I will post to my sidebar, thanks so much for the chance:)

  17. Please enter me in your surprise giveaway. I'll post this to my sidebar.
    1. Favorite toy: I remember when I got a shiny new bicycle for Christmas, with a basket on the front and a horn. Sad part was that it snowed a lot that year and I didn't get to ride it till Springtime. You know how hard it is to just look at something for months and not be able to use it?
    2. Favorite Christmas movie: It's a Wonderful Life
    3. Favorite Christmas song: Besides all the favorites mentioned above, I can't help but sing along to "Santa Baby" by Ertha Kitt or "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas".
    4. We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day & on Christmas Eve all my kids & the grandkids come for supper and open a few gifts.
    5. What Christmas tradition was passed down: the family getting together before Christmas to make and decorate sugar cookies and candies.
    Happy Birthday from one December gal to another!

  18. How sweet of you! I'm a follower and here's the best I can do on the answers! lol
    1. I got a decorated shoe box filled with art supplies! I still think this makes a great gift!
    2. It's a Wonderful Life...I named one of my dolls, ZuZu Petals!
    3. Silver Bells
    4. Christmas day.
    5...don't have any traditions passed down. We've started our own though.
    I hope you have a Happy Birthday!

  19. I just joined your wonderful blog! I am just sorry it took me so long to find you!
    1. My favorite toy was a doll with the bottle that milk disappeared as she drank!
    2. My favorite Christmas movie is It's a Wonderful Life, we watch every year!
    3. Favorite song: Oh Holy Night.
    4. Santa always comes on Christmas eve and we opened our presents on Christmas eve and of course eat on Christmas Day!
    5. Our tradition passed down from my Mom, Santa always left a bowl of oranges, apples and nuts. The wonderful smell on Christmas morning was magical.
    Thank you so much for entering me in your giveaway! Love the way you did this. Merry Christmas to everyone and Good Luck with the drawing, Hugs, Lynn

  20. And to think with all my lollygagging I almost missed this!!! Holy Smokes!! Happy, Happy (a bit early) Birthday Girlfriend!!! If you allow wayward, cranky, crows into this wonderful event, I would be honored to be included for a chance....Yes, I'm a follower (or try my best to be!) and I've posted on my blog (better late than never, hey??)

    Anyways....onto the questions (what fun reading everyone's answers!! Gonna have to stop back to make sure I don't miss any....)
    1. Favorite toy: A Cousin It doll (yeah, I was weird as a child too....)
    2. Favorite move: A Christmas Carol (the one with George C. Scott...and ONLY that version please....)
    3. Favorite Song: Silver Bells (loved it so much my baby brother taped it on an cassette and spent what little money he had to send it to me for Christmas when I was living in Spain...)
    4. We celebrate Christmas Eve....AND Christmas Day (but open presents Christmas Eve)....
    5. Tradition?? Oh - so many - but mostly, I guess that Christmas Eve's celebration is celebrated with a hot sandwich of some sort (bbq's, hot beefs, hot ham, etc.) and TONS of finger foods and hors d'oeuvres that we only get that time of year (cheese ball, bacon-wrapped water chestnuts, spinach dip with Russian rye, herring (ick), smoked salmon, etc.....)

    Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity GF....Tried to play a little catch-up here, but 90% of your photos are just black boxes with a circle and line through them?? I'm not too good at "visualizing"??? Guess that'll teach me to not keep up, hey??

    Hope your day is filled with blessings and joys....
    Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  21. Morning Janice
    Happy Belated Bithday!
    I am so sorry to be late.
    Hope you had a great day.

  22. Hello Janice!!
    What a Fun Giveaway!!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    I would Love to be entered. I am a follower.
    1. Favorite toy...An art set with paints, crayons, pencils, paper, all in a wooden box.
    2. Favorite Movie...Prancer
    3. Favorite Song...Frosty The Snowman
    4. We celebrate Christmas Eve.
    5. Tradition...Celebrating on Christmas Eve, with a lot of snacks, opening presents and Christmas movies. This is how I grew up, so now I do it this way with my children.
    6. I posted you Giveaway to my sidebar.
    Thanks for the fun!! Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Birthday!!


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.