Prims By the Water

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Living Large Now

About a month ago, Bob and I went to a Civil War Re-Enactment.
We both love history...maybe thats why we are such antique buffs.
This log cabin was saved from the Thumb fires of 1860
Have you ever heard of the old saying
"Dressed to the Nines"
Believe it or not, women from the Civil War Era wore the following on a daily basis.
Bloomers or Pantelets
Under Petticoat
Hoop Skirt
Over Petticoat
Blouse or Bodice
Hence the were Dressed to the nines!
(Not to mention the laced up boots and stockings they also had to put on) wonder they fainted all of the time and carried umbrellas.
Oh and I forgot to mention..their bloomers were open between their legs
to allow them to use their chamber pots without being stark naked.
Goodness sakes if they had to use the pot in a hurry with all of those pieces of clothing to take off. Makes me glad we don't have to wear all that clothing anymore.
Next is a practice that I personally believe was sexist...
but women really had no rights back then.
If a family member passed away,
women had to dress in mourning for 18 months.
The first 6 months their blouses, Bodices and Skirts had to be in black.
The second 6 months, they graduated to combinations of black, gray and white.
Finally the last 6 months they were allowed to wear
just gray or a combination of gray and white.
(the lady in the pic above is in the last stage of mourning)
This is wear I think it was sexist.
Men only had to be in a mourning
period of 6 months. then they were allowed to wear their normal clothing.
(such as this lady's husband in the above pic)
(Trumpet Vine)
So what do you think?
Would you like to live in the 1860's?
Blessings to all


  1. Hi Friend
    I think I would.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. The 1960's not 1860's.

    the 60's were the BEST!

  3. Nah...not for me. It's very interesting to read and learn about though...just don't think I could do it. Then again...who knows. Bet life was much more simple and people were more content with their "things."

  4. Very interesting. I lived in the 1960's and I'll take that over the 1860's

  5. Hi Janice, very intewresting about that time, 1860 but not for me.Love the little cabin though. Blessings Francine

  6. Hey, Janice! I saw Bob at an estate sale this morning! I wouldn't want to live back then but I want all the furnishings and goodies from back then!

  7. You bet your hoopskirt I would!! ;o)

    Great post, Janice!! Wish there were reenactments around here.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Oh my gosh Janice I was at the same civil war re-enactment!! A while back I was at Frankenmuth right after you. We have blogged about the same thing twice!! Check out my post if you get a chance!! I love prims too! One day maybe we'll meet at the same place!! LOL That would be cool!! Thanks for sharing!! XO Fran.


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