Prims By the Water

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Saturday Hoopla

Last Saturday was pretty much a wash out for creating more goodies. 
We had to go to the brick contractor to pick out a brick to replace our fireplace chimney which is currently crumbling as I write.
We knew that it would be an impossible task to match our existing brick,
but we had to get it as close to possible.
Thankfully the brick contractor let us take as many bricks home as we wanted to.
We were able to find one that almost matches, so now our
bricklayer (Bob's cousin) has to purchase them with his discount
and replace our chimney
Then we had to make a stop over to Home Depot for a new Garage door,
as ours broke and fell off the track. It was one of those old heavy wood ones,
so we were thankful it did not fall on anyone.
They did not have any in stock, so we had to order it online...
which was stupid, because if we ordered it from the store vs their online website,
the door would have been $100 more...does this make sense?
The door comes delivered on Thursday.

Then I had to go work the store, because apparantly Bob forgot he gave me Saturday's off...just like a man...but I did it. You all can give him grief...I already told him I was going to be a tattletale. ~Smile~
Sunday I was able to get a little bit done...
Black, Brown and Tan Kitties
Six of each color
Then I started making Halloween candy.
Do you remember getting these in your Trick or Treat bag?
At first my family thought these were real. LOL
Working on more...
Stay tuned!
Prim Candy Blessings to all!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Montage- Shades Of The Season

Starting my Autumn decor for this weeks montage
Items on top of my dry sink
Mini Indian corn with an early coverlet piece to the left and flour sifter to the right
Love this new seed bag.
Purchased this from Angie.
Visit her at
She grunged it all up and it is so prim perfect!
Thanks Angie!
Ginger Bottles
Vintage Tin Sign In Kitchen Window
Butter Wafer Tin and Yellowware Bowl
Will show you more of what I was creating later in the week.
Pre Autumn Blessings to all!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Wreath Dilemma

This year I have been purchasing
 flowers and fabric in shades of purple.
You are probably wanting to ask.
How can purple be a prim color Janice?
By putting different shades of purple together with the right combinations,
it will work as a prim color if you choose to.
Like this wreath with natural pods, white mums and purple asters.
I recently purchased this fall wreath for my kitchen.
But now where to place it?
Don't think it fits here in this chair.
I don't have much wall space in this room.
Or doors to hang it on for that matter.
Not sure if I liked it on my blue cupboard.
Too big for this door.
Then I got to thinking....
I took out my nifty rapid washing machine plunger out of the laundry room.
It has this handle on it.
I used one in our store similar to this for the same thing.
Instant wreath holder!
The purple compliments the yellow brick of our fireplace
and fits perfectly into this corner of my kitchen
between my churn and cupboard.
So next time you are thinking about the color purple...
I say go for it!
Purple shades of mums and asters go perfectly with oranges and yellows.
Oh and then Halloween is coming up.
What a perfect way to add some pop to your orange and black
The color that can can be prim if you choose.
Purplish Prim Blessings to all

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Living Large Now

About a month ago, Bob and I went to a Civil War Re-Enactment.
We both love history...maybe thats why we are such antique buffs.
This log cabin was saved from the Thumb fires of 1860
Have you ever heard of the old saying
"Dressed to the Nines"
Believe it or not, women from the Civil War Era wore the following on a daily basis.
Bloomers or Pantelets
Under Petticoat
Hoop Skirt
Over Petticoat
Blouse or Bodice
Hence the were Dressed to the nines!
(Not to mention the laced up boots and stockings they also had to put on) wonder they fainted all of the time and carried umbrellas.
Oh and I forgot to mention..their bloomers were open between their legs
to allow them to use their chamber pots without being stark naked.
Goodness sakes if they had to use the pot in a hurry with all of those pieces of clothing to take off. Makes me glad we don't have to wear all that clothing anymore.
Next is a practice that I personally believe was sexist...
but women really had no rights back then.
If a family member passed away,
women had to dress in mourning for 18 months.
The first 6 months their blouses, Bodices and Skirts had to be in black.
The second 6 months, they graduated to combinations of black, gray and white.
Finally the last 6 months they were allowed to wear
just gray or a combination of gray and white.
(the lady in the pic above is in the last stage of mourning)
This is wear I think it was sexist.
Men only had to be in a mourning
period of 6 months. then they were allowed to wear their normal clothing.
(such as this lady's husband in the above pic)
(Trumpet Vine)
So what do you think?
Would you like to live in the 1860's?
Blessings to all

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Montage- Lookie what I've Been Up To

So Bob has given me weekends off.

Lookie what I have been up to.

Making goodies for our store.

Miss Custard's mommy!

Prim kitty with her Mardi Gras beads.

Little witchy poo with her pumpkin.
Love this purple sunflower on the spring.
Bought this flower from Dawn's shop.
Visit her blog at

Ace what are you up too?
I did not create you...
You came this way. LOL
I actually woke him up. He was sleeping in this bag.

More to come.
Working my little fingers off each night
as Bob has had customers visiting the shoppe
wondering when I will be bringing in my goodies.

Thus the reason why I have weekends off now.

Pre Autumn Blessings to all

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Inky Drew The Winner

So first and foremost
I want to thank everyone who posted the giveaway
and those who made sweet comments!

Unfortunately I was not able to reply back to your comments
and I want to apologize.

Sometimes life gets in the way and there is never enough
 time in the day for me it seems.

I did not make my 200 mark,
but because of you
I was able to get a little closer!
A big thank you to everyone
 for letting others know about my blog.
I greatly appreciate it!!
My Followers are the BEST.

The day has come to draw a winner.
I decided to let Inky do the honor.

Pumpkin Roll.......

..........and our winner is..........


Congratulations Danice!!

Please send me your address via email

Inky and the others
Are so happy to be coming home to you.
Their little pumpkin faces are just beaming with excitement.

Pumpkin Blessings to all

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Montage- Goodies I Had To Keep

Well this years Antique Trail has come and gone.
Got drenched on Friday.
Semi Drenched on Saturday.
Sunday recuperated from being drenched.

However, I was able to find a few goodies
I just had to keep
and some I will add to the store.

For now, here is what I am keeping for our bedroom.

Circa 1915 Edwardian Hat Box

This hat box was on the White Star Line vessel Northland.

A gray wool Stetson Gentleman's Hat.

Added this hat to the top of the hat box.

Now add a well worn child's shoe.

Finally add one cast iron millinery shoe.

Next I found
This blue prairie dress.

And these early long stockings.

Close up of these stockings. They were crocheted.

Well I think it was worth getting drenched...
What do you all think?

Now I have to catch up on all of your blogs.

Oh before I forget,
Two more days for the giveaway.
If you do not want to miss it,
Comment on Buttercup's Giveaway Post.

Prairie Blessings to all.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Goodies Part Two

We love shopping for our customers!
Some things don't even make it into the store
and Bob sells them right out of the van.
Unfortunately,  we don't get pics of those.
Part two

Prim Table

Early Slanted Table or Wall Desk
(the top lifts up)

Beveled Mirror
(we already sold one similar to this)

Prim candle stand
(I would love to have kept this...
but afraid Ace our kitten would play with the candles once I added them)

Prim Bar
(Made from a 1901 barn door)

Inside of the bar
(this bar sold already)
Did we score or what?

So this Friday thru Sunday
I will be out shopping our annual local antique trail
This trail start in our hometown of Clay, Michigan
and ends in Port Austin, Michigan.

Below is the website if you would like to know where I will be.

Heading out from my house on Friday morning and will end up at my mom's
in Port Sanilac for the night.
Then Saturday and Sunday, my mom will be joining me.

Last year this was my favorite item I found.

Let's see what I can find this year....

Wish me luck.
Weather forecast for Friday is rain.
We do need the rain, but will not be fun.
Prim Blessings to all

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Montage- Trip Goodies

Oh My
Did we find the goodies this time!

I did manage to scoop up a few for the house,
but these next items will be sold in our store.

Part One

Salt Glaze Crock Jug and an Amish Hat

Large Brown Glass Apothecary Bottle

Uncle Dan's Root Beer Bottle

1800's Wood Bowl

Awesome Blue Paint
(I might sneak this one out of the store...don't tell Bob)

Tin Scoop
(This will hang and I love how the wood is flat)
(perfect for a small doll)

What do you think?
Did we do good?
Part two coming soon.

Summertime Blessings to all

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Love When A Plan Comes Together

After High School
I began my college career
as an Art Major...

Well after a year,
I decided that I did not want to be one of those
starving artists,
so I changed my major
to Business Management.

Although I work full time in banking,
I still like to draw and create items
for both our store and my home.

This was my latest drawing of a pumpkin guy I wanted to make.

I wanted him to wear blue wool pants
with his belly button showing.
Plus corn husks coming out of his cute round head.

This is how he turned out.

I added a waxed piece of corn and tucked into his pants.
Also crocheted a belt from jute.

Love When A Plan Comes Together!

This guy will be sold in the store...
working on more items,
so stay tuned.

Don't forget to get in on the Lil Pumpkin Giveaway.
Ends August 15th.

Pumpkin Blessings to all

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Buttercup Talks Giveaway

Hello everyone.
My name is Buttercup.

Unlike my brothers and sister,
I am the sweetest honey of a lil pumpkin of them all!

Now my mommy gave me a real important job today.
I am supposed to let you all know about mommy's giveaway.

She is letting the five us go to another homestead.

Now for the rules and extra points.

First the rules.
I pleaded with mommy to skip the rules....
She did not go for it.
Sorry....I tried.


1. Must be a current Follower
(New Followers are always welcome)

2. Must Comment on this post only

Extra points 

1. If you comment and mention all five of our names,
mommy will put you in the drawing 6 times.

2. If you want to earn an additional 15 chances to win,
Do a post about us and talk about mommy's giveaway on your own blog.

Oh yeah, mommy says if you do a post,
to please let her know as a comment to this post only,
so she can add your name 15 times more.

Gee Willakers
All I can say is for every person who does it all...
those folks will earn 21 chances each into the drawing.

Oh more thing.
I noticed mommy is at 159 followers now.
If everyone brought one more follower over,
that means someone could also win her
200 follower giveaway too!

Psst...I heard if this happens,
mommy will add a surprise to that giveaway.
Remember to comment on her 200 Follower post to be entered.

Good luck everyone.
Cannot wait to see who we go home to...

Oops..almost forgot.
This giveaway ends August 15th.

Pumpkin Blessings to all
(mommy Janice says take care everyone)