Prims By the Water

Monday, May 28, 2012

Remembering Our Service Men and Women

This Memorial Day
I was reminded of something that had happened
 to my sister and I many years ago.

I was 19 and Teresa was 14. 
Our parents had seen us off at Metro Airport (Detroit)
and we were flying first to see our cousins in D.C.
and after a week we were off on another plane to Albany Georgia
to visit more cousins and our aunt Joyce.
Before our plane landed in Albany though,
we had had to land in Atlanta to take our connector flight.
After circling the Atlanta airport for over and hour
before we landed,
we were told that our connector plane would be late.
Unfortunately we had nothing to entertain us.
We sat by ourselves and after many hours and still no plane,
a young soldier in his fatigues came over to sit with us.
By this time it was 10:00pm.
He was headed to Ft Meyers and was also waiting for his plane.
Although I do not recollect his name anymore,
he made my sister and I feel safe.
We chatted for over an hour 
about our visit to D. C. and all of the monuments.
He was not very talkative, but was very interested
to hear about our week in D.C.
I'm sure he wanted to hear about us so he could forget
that he was going back from a short leave.
Or maybe he felt that if we did all of the talking
that we would not be so afraid.
You see by this time, we were the only three in the airport.
Anyway he made a big impact on our lives,
and I am so very grateful he was there for us;
not only to protect our country,
but to protect two scared young girls at an airport.
This day please take time out to remember all those
who lost their lives to protect our country.
Also take time to remember those of our allies in other countries,
who also lost their lives to protect their own freedoms.
I know that Memorial Day is the unofficial start to Summer,
but this is not the true meaning of our Holiday.

Spring Blessings to all.


  1. That's a nice story Janice.

  2. Hello Janice, such a sweet story, as I wipe a tear away. So many brave men and women, may God Bless them. Love the flag in the basket picture with the flowers. Take care my friend, Prim Hugs Francine.

  3. Wonderful story Janice.
    Praise to all that have sacrificed for us!
    Prim Blessings

  4. What a sweet story! Have a wonderful day!

  5. hi, Janice ~ a very touching memory from your sister & you~
    Great post~

  6. Thanks for the important reminder and wonderful memory. ~Roberta

  7. Beautiful post, Janice - and a beautiful memory. I wonder where that soldier is now..... Hugs ~ Robin


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