Prims By the Water

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Fun Facts

Once again here are the Friday Fun Facts.

1. You can make diamonds by heating tequila to over 1400F.
(Wish I had some tequila and a really big stove)

2. Black pepper was once so valuable it was used as money.
(Wish it still was, cause I have plenty of pepper around)

3. Figure skating used to be considered a men's sport only.
(My how times have changed)

4. All cows in the world have different patterns of spots.
Not a single one has them identical to another.
(Being on the farm I know this is true)

5. You are 2.5 times more likely to die of a heart attack or
stroke if you are a regular complainer.
(Hopefully none of you are chronic complainers....)

6. There are between 5000 and 7000 bank robberies
each year in the United States.
(This is a sad statistic)

Have a great weekend everyone!
Blessings to all.



  1. Hi Janice, love the Friday fun facts, enjoyable. Have a wonderful weekend my friend, Blessings Francine.

  2. LOl-thanks Janice! What a crazy world ~*~Lisa

  3. Thanks Janice!
    I wish I had some tequila too! Thinking I wish pepper was still worth money ~ I'd be rich! Hope I'm never in a bank if it's going to get robbed!
    Prim Blessings

  4. Please pass the tequila...I'll make some diamonds so I don't have to rob a bank and have no reason to complain. But count me out on figure skating! ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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