Prims By the Water

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Goodies from Bunny Swap

First off, I want to thank everyone
for their prayers.
Not only was Bob's sister alright,
but NO one lost their life in those three terrible tornadoes
that hit our state the other night.
In Michigan we do not get tornadoes
like some of our neighboring states do,
so when it happens, we are all on edge.
However with this freaky mild Winter
and now these devastating storms...
makes me wonder what next will happen.
Onto more exciting news.
Amy from Bumble Bee Lane hosted a wonderful
Bunny Swap and Ellie
from Ellie's Country Accents
was my swap partner.

I was so excited to receive my package in the mail...
Had a bad day at work, and when I saw the package....
well I was like a kid at Christmas and ripped open
all of the pretty gifts before taking pictures of them.

I know...patience is a virtue...
so very sorry for not showing you the before pics...

The after pics are so awesome though!

This cute egg just jumped into my ditty bag.
While this darling egg wanted to stay next to his bunny pal.
Love the simple face, don't you?

Then my lamb tin wanted some attention.
But he showed his Easter smile when I laid
this chick and egg mat underneath him.

Or maybe his smile was for his lady friend
that moved in next door to him.
Although I beleive it was the twinkle in her eye
that made that little lamb grin!
Don't you agree?

Then Ellie's next gift was this note pad.
Arts and Crafts Keep You Sane.
That's the truth....

Plus this yummy candle..sorry for the blurred pic.

Thank you Ellie for all the wonderful goodies!
Also a big shout out to Amy for hosting a fun giveaway!

Take care everyone.
Prim Blessings to all



  1. Thank goodness you are alright. I couldn't believe it when I seen the news. Enjoy your wonderful winnings and have a Happy St. Patty's Day Janice ~*~Lisa

  2. Glad to hear everyone is okay!!
    What wonderful goodies you received!
    Love the bunny! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Wonderful news to hear that everyone is okay!Those storms are awfully scary.Love all of your goodies!Hugs,Jen

  4. Glad your SIL was safe.Yes the weather is a little scary.I can't complain we are having early spring.The simple bunny and egg ditty are cute but loving your little lamb tin mold.Have a great weekend.With early spring we are doing markets this weekend.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  5. Glad everyone is safe and sound. Isn't it fun to get packages in the mail?! It is like Christmas isn't it. I just received a box this morning from a swap I did with someone and that is exactly how I felt. You sure have a great collection of cute creations. Enjoy. Blessings ~Sara

  6. That's a relief that everyone including your SIL is alright.
    Awesome bunny swap goodies, I love the last lady bunny.

  7. Doing a little catch-up here and glad to read that all are safe. Tornadoes scare the dickens out of me - and it seems like we're getting more and more each season - and the season gets longer and longer. Hope it's not a boding sign of things to come. Cute goodies from Ellie...some old fashion spring fun. (But I'll fight Amy for that lamb mold....) ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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