Prims By the Water

Friday, January 13, 2012

Does anyone out there like Friday the 13th

I have a girlfriend who is so superstitious about Friday the 13th
that she will not leave her house on these days.

She is now retired, but when she worked with me
she always either took a vacation day or sick day and stayed home.

Is anyone out there as superstitious as she is?

For me this day is no biggie...
just another day out of the week.
Now if you have ever been to a hotel that has 13 stories or more,
they do not have a 13th Floor...just a perception.
How would I know that you ask...

because I am afraid of yo won't find me in a high building.
Good thing I do not live in New York or Chicago...or any other big city  :o)

Now there was someone I knew that loved when Friday 13th came around.
To be exact, it was when March 13th was on a Friday.

You see, my gramma B was born on March 13th, 1911.
She loved it when her birthday fell on a Friday!
Although my gramma B is no longer with us,
I always look every year to see if March 13th lands on a Friday.
the next time it does is cannot wait!

Happy Friday 13th to each of you!

New Year Blessings to all


  1. Well Janice I am with your grandmother. My oldest son was born on March 13th, which was on Friday that year. I considered it my lucky day. I am not superstitious any way. Neat post

  2. Janice I am not my mother and grandmother were.
    My bad luck is the snow..yuk. I want Spring.
    January is my least favorite month.

  3. Hi Janice: My son was also born on March 13th, 1973. He was a real blessing.....even on an ominous day such as that a little good can happen. It is defintely a special day to me.


  4. Hey Janice! What a great memory of your Grandma - makes the day special with love not fear. I don't like heights, but have no problem with 13. When I worked at a retail store no one would take the timeclock #13 so I did. LOL. I believe in juju and the spiritual world, but if the bad stuff comes after me I'm going down swinging! LOL! Have a great weekend ~*~Lisa

  5. Hi Janice. We have no problems with the 13th here although if something bad ever happens on a Friday the 13th, we tend to blame it on that date. Ha! My parents were married on the 13th as well as hubby and I.

  6. ummmm...Me?.....definitely NOT a fan of that day. Sorry. And I have the scars to prove it.... (Way, way, long stories....yes, as in plural....) Glad it's over for another round....Robin


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