Prims By the Water

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Paying it Forward

For those who have followed me for awhile now
know that I brag that we have the best customers ever
who walk into our antique store.

This is a short story of one of those customers.

Last week a lady came into the store needing a shelf and a dresser.
She recently moved from Key West Florida and literally left there
with the clothes on her back a few months ago.
Not wanting to pry, but knowing the situation she was in,
Bob decided to help her out.
One of our vendors was in the store as well.
Coincidentally, she fell in love with her bookshelf
because she did not find a shelf in the store 
 Bob explained to our vendor her plight.
Call it the Christmas spirit, but she gave her a great deal on it.

Then this sweet lady started looking for a dresser.
However she could not find one that was within her price range.
Bob remembered that he had one in the van.
He sold it to her at cost, but told her he gave her our
"Did not come into the store price"
I was not there that day, but Bob told me she started crying
as these were the first pieces of furniture she was able to buy for her house.
Her brother had given her a bed and a couple of chairs.
That was all she had...

Now we usually charge a delivery fee,
but Bob told her we would deliver for free since she lived close to us.
It was another way he wanted to pay it forward.

We delivered her furniture last night.
After placing the pieces where she wanted,
she presented us with a home made key lime pie.
Unfortunately, neither of us are very fond of this pie,
however she was so gracious and kind and kept telling us that we would
taste a key lime pie like this in a store...
Well we did not have the heart to tell her we did not like it,
so we took it home and thanked her.

Once we got home, I decided that I was going to try this pie.
Bob decided he would too.
I have to tell you all.
That pie was so good!!
She was right.
It was the best I had ever tasted.

Instead of us paying it forward to her...
 she paid it forward to us.

We had another piece after dinner tonight.
Which goes to show...
We have the

Looking out my kitchen window Christmas morning.
We had a green Christmas this year.
However Mother Nature decided to bless us with 2 inches today.

This will probably be my last post for the year,
so I want to wish everyone
A Safe and Happy New Year!

Take care everyone


  1. Janice , how very sweet such a touching story , the world needs more like you and Bob in it :0) That pie looks yummy and Im not a key lime kinda girl but Ill take your word that its the best ever ! Have a great week and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEARS! HUGS LILRAGGEDYANGIE

  2. Such a sweet story for the season. I am sure you will be blessed beyond measure for your kindess to this lady. And such a sweet guesture on her part. I am sure she gave the pie straight from her heart. Thanks so much for sharing this inspirational story.

  3. Such a wonderful story Janice! Bless her heart!!

    Wishing you a blessed 2012!

  4. Awww...that's so sweet....So glad Bob, you, and the vendor had a bit of Christmas in your hearts....Wishing you a new year full of joy, blessings, and hope....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. How nice of you to help this woman. The pie looks great! Happy New Year!

  6. What wonderful PIF's you both did for this woman. I love that!! This is what life is all about.
    Peace in this New Year to you both!


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