Prims By the Water

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

On Pins and Needles

Well is everyone on pins and needles waiting to see who the lucky winner of my
 100 follower giveaway is?

Before I let the cat out of the bag.
Last night's episode of American Pickers.
The guys were in Michigan
However not in our county.
They were in Macomb County just west of us on this episode.
They are getting closer.
Not sure if they will air the episode in our county though.
We will watch again next week and let you know,
as we know where they ventured off to in our neck of the woods.
They were minutes away from our house.

Ok, back to our winner.
First a BIG BIG thank you to everyone who is a follower and
all the wonderful creative comments you made.

Here is what the lucky person said in their comment.

Sorry Janice-I didn't read about the special words before I made my comment post. I must start over! :) Love the SANTA! He is adorable. I too am ready for this JULY heat to be gone and cooler days here at the HOMESTEAD in GA. What a great give away. Thanks!

The lucky person of my 100 follower
Homestead Santa in July Giveaway is

from Newman Georgia

Congrats to Holly!!!
Please send me your address Holly


  1. Congrats to the winner! Congrats to you on 100+ followers.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. Congratulations Holly!! Woo Hoo!!! And thanks to you Janice, for hostessing a way "cool" giveaway! (Get it?? Santa? Cool? Figured you did....) ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. congrats to the winner!!

  4. Congratulations Holly!!! You are a lucky gal!


  5. I saw that episode on american Pickers! So glad I watched it.
    Congrats to Holly!
    Have a good night:)

  6. Thanks! I am so excited! Just sent you an e-mail!

  7. Hurray for 100 followers! I didn't see American Pickers, hubby's been on a WWII kick on Netflix with the documentaries.
    Congratulations, Holly! I will post the winning on my blog.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  8. Congrats to Holly ! and Congrats to you my friend on the 100! I dont watch much tv but I do love pickers but I missed it :0( you see im up to something and in the process created a disaster so i couldnt find the remote in the chaos nor could I even find the tv lol yep its bad I ve been bad ! hope you have a great day ! hugs lilraggedyangie

  9. Congrats Janice! And to Holly - lucky gal! ~*~Lisa

  10. Oh Janice, Holly is my daughter,,,, I will get to see her Santa. After her wreck and the bad week she has had I am so proud for her. Thanks for a great giveaway. Hey, we watched Pickers. Thought of you. Have a great week.


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.