Prims By the Water

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yester Year and Today

First I want to thank all of you for following me these past five months...yes it has only been that long. LOL In this time, I have met some very talented ladies along the way who make me laugh, and inspire me. For those who comment, and even those who do not...just knowing you all are out there keeps me going. And even though I cannot comment back to all of you...Bob already thinks I am a blog-aholic; I want you all to know that I appreciate each and every one of you very much! Now will you ladies find me eight more girlfriends so I can give away this Santa and pillow...cause I want to have another freebie for Halloween....LOL

I decided to start bringing out some of my Halloween prims, and I wanted to share this witch from the past. Her body is entirely made from crushed bay leaves and lavender and she smells wonderful even still.

I cannot take credit for making her.

 I actually bought her from another antique vendor who had it in her booth.

So yesterday Bob and I went to Greenfield Village. This was the date that our antique club was all suppose to go, but everyone seemed to bail...but since we each already had the day off planned,  we went anyway...and what a picture perfect day it was.

For those of you who are not familiar with Greenfield Village, it is a 600 acre museum that Henry Ford (the car maker) started to preserve history. It has a total of 80 actual homes in which most were painstakingly taken down in their original places and re-built, and other historically accurate ones. It also has the original Firestone (tire maker) farm which is a real working farm, along with Model T car rides, an authentic train that you can ride and an Omnibus, which is a wagon pulled by a team of horses. Located in Dearborn Michigan, if you love history than make it a point to spend a few days...I say a few days, cause they also have the Henry Ford museum and that will also take a day to go through. It took Bob and I all day to walk the Village and we did not see it all.

Anyway, I was in awe when I saw this in one of the homes. take a look.

A historical wool penny rug!

 Each wool square is made up of 25 pennies.
Then sewn together to make a rug to fit an entire room.
There is at least 500 pennies in the small section from the previous pic.
Imagine working on this...
Now this is what I call a PENNY RUG!  Whew.

My last pic is something from today.
Well actually a few days ago I made these up.

What every witch needs.

Her Evening Wear...
Dang camera getting fuzzy on me.
The tag does read Evening Wear.

Take care, everyone


  1. Oh Janice - don't quite know what to comment on first!! That penny rug is absolutely AMAZING!! It would take me a lifetime and a half to do something like that! WOW! And love, love, love! your witchie poo!! And the shoes!! Arghhh...I'm trying to hold off 'till Sept 1st...but it's so, so, hard!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Wow, you sure are talented, love the penny rug and the witch! You go girl! Lecia

  3. That witch is great! Wish I could smell her! (that sounds weird LOL). Love the stripy stockings with your evening wear witch boots Janice. The penny rug is amazing...I wonder how old it is? Have a happy, creative weekend! ~*~Lisa

  4. Love your witches boots!
    I can't imagine how long it took for that penny rug to be made.
    I would have loved to see it in person.

    All I know is that if it was mine, I wouldn't let anyone step on it ever!! LOL!!
    Walk around everyone, walk around. Hehee!

  5. The penny is amazing~ Sounds like a wonderful place to visit!!!
    The witch is cute & love the boots!!!


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