Prims By the Water

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Like two ships passing in the night

Errrr...I mean in the daylight...
   (I believe if you click on the pics, they will enlarge)

 From this pic,
they almost look like they are going to hit each other.

Passing each other.

Saying Good Bye

My daughter was able to take these pics while at our beach.
We see freighters passing all of the time.
But to see them pass dead on in front of our dock
is very rare...and she was able to take these
using her I-phone, as of course
I did not have my phone with me as usual.
Thank you Michele for being up to date on technology
unlike your mother. LOL


  1. THAT I SO COOL! When I first looked at it I thought OH NO they were going to hit each other.
    Hope your enjoying your day!

  2. Wow! Great pics Janice! Brings back memories of me sitting on the shore in Detroit, Straits of Mackinac, Sault Locks, Escanaba, etc...watching my hubby sail by on one of these big boys! (now I have to go ck out your giveaway...hope I'm not too late!!!!) ~*~Lisa

  3. Janice, love the pics. What would we do without our daughters? Holly has to dig me out with this old computer so often. You have to be so fortunate to live in such a place where you can see such beautiful sites. Thanks for sharing with those of us who are not as blessed. Have a great weekend.

  4. Great photos, Janice....errr....I mean Michele! Thanks for sharing! Not a sight one anywhere sees everyday. Amazing how they can maneuver those beasts so smoothly and precisely!! Happy Sunday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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