Prims By the Water

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mini Giveaway Winner

Woohoo, and we have a winner folks!!!!

Last week I posted a picture of a thing-a-ma-jig which I thought might be some kind of kitchen utensil. I was stumped...and so were all of my antique friends. This is the pic one more time for those who may have missed out.

These were the comments some of my followers left me.
LilRaggedyangie said: Sheesh I just so dunno either never seen anything like it...I would say some sort of press/ deseeder , I'm gonna go with vintage melon baller or something like that when you open it , it appears to scoop whatever it is used for!

Then Tamara left me this comment: Hi Janice -- Being a farm girl, I know that it is a dehorner for cutting horns off of young cattle. The holes throw me a bit, but maybe they are for a little better viewing to the cut site without hurting the structural integrity of the dehorner itself.

Lisa from the Moonlit Stitch commented with: Hi Janice! I think it's a vintage fruit corer c. 1920's.

And finally Marsha wrote: Heck, I have no idea but if you send a picture to Cook's Illustrated magazine they can usually figure it out and let all their subscribers know.

I love reading all of your comments and they are all greatly appreciated....lets me know folks are really reading my blog.....cause sometimes I think I am rather boring. LOL 

Well, with these 4 comments, I was off and running searching the Internet trying to decide if one of you ladies had the correct description for my contraption thingy...and if all else failed, I would have tried Marsha's idea of contacting Cook's Illustrated Magazine.

After hours of searching, I found the exact item on This is an online website that sells antiques and collectibles. After typing in vintage fruit corer in the search box, my unidentifiable item now had a name. It is indeed a vintage fruit corer circa 1927.

This makes Lisa our BIG WINNER!!!

Thank you Lisa and everyone else who made it possible for me to identify my lonely object. Now it will go off to our store for sale with the correct name of what it is on the tag.

Lisa please email me at with your mailing address and also let me know if you would like the real prairie grass or the artificial excelsior grass with your strawberries.

Thank you again everyone for helping me out!

I started working on my next giveaway over the weekend. I wanted to do something patriotic as July 4th is our next big holiday..but in the middle of making some dolls first for our store, I broke my sewing now I am dead in the water until I can get mine fixed or else buy a new one....

Oh well, take care everyone.
Its time for America's Got Talent


  1. Congrats to Lisa , what a smarty she is! Thanks for hosting such a fun contest! Hugs
    lil raggedy angie

  2. Lisa is one smart lady. I had no clue. Congrats. to Lisa. Sorry about your sewing machine. Hope the sewing machine doctor can make it good as new. Have a great evening.

  3. Congratulations Lisa!! Wow....not what I was thinking...Yey for you!! Thanks, Janice, for hostessing a fun giveaway! Smiles ~ Robin

  4. Whoa! I won!? That's so cool! LOL! I love guessing games Janice - thanks for hosting the fun! ~*~Lisa


Thank you friends for reading my blog! I especially enjoy reading your comments.