Prims By the Water

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Moonlit Stitch Giveaway

To all of my primitive friends....Lisa from The Moonlit Stitch is having an awesome giveaway. See the pic above...her deadline to enter is April 9th. Did you ever see a more adorable prim bunny! Bunnies are my weakness and I love this time of year. Please visit Lisa's blog (http// and enter..oh mention that you saw her giveaway on my blog. Good Luck!


  1. Hi Janice, Thanks for letting us know about Lisa's giveaway, I always enjoying meeting new people who love primitives. Have a great weekend, and Happy Spring. Vicky

  2. hello, I am new to blogging and I came here from Green Creek Primitives . I look forward to following your blog. have a great weekend . hugs
    lil raggedy angie


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