Prims By the Water

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Bees Knees

                                           Hello friends!
                            When my bee inventory came in,
                            I said to Bob that he needed to do
                               a Facebook post and title it 
                                       "The Bees Knees"
           He tells me no one is going to know what that means.
                                     So I ask you friends,
                     have you ever heard of this saying?
            I was brought up with this meaning a high quality,
                                        or being the best.

So to go along with my black and yellow theme
for Spring, my mind wandered to bees.

This order came in after my other one.
(The bee gnomes light up)
So fun!

 I decided to have the bees on the cabinet
that faces the front door.
Its the first display folks see when coming it.

Hopefully it brings a smile to those seeing it.

It must have as most is already sold.
I have already rotated this display to 
an Easter one now.

In other news,
looks like March is going out like a lion here.
More snow is headed our way
 today into tomorr0w. 
Right now it is freezing rain. 

Thank you everyone for loving my rug.
I had fun hooking it even though I dont 
hook often as much as my other blogging friends.

My first Halloween project is looking good.
Below is a tease pic of my latest creation.
I have a few made already.

It will become a poisonous item.
Hand sewn using all wool for these.

Well Hope everyone has a 
Happy Hump Day!

Bees Knees Blessings To All!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

An Egg-Stravaganza

Happy Weekend Friends!
The last weekend of March.
Where did the days go?
Well today we are back to
a mixture of rain and snow.
Snowing right now.
Just glad no tornadoes.
Feel so bad for those affected by them 
this past week.

When I was a teen,
one went just North of my parents home.
How scary seeing it in the distance
coming right at us.
We lived in the country, so we
could see things pretty far away.
We took shelter in the basement,
and thankfully it went to the North a bit.
Unfortunately it hit the farmer
up the road and killed all of his dairy cows.
Thankfully he and his wife were alright.
But such a loss for him.

On a better note.
I made lots of eggs this year for the store.
This one was another cookie.

These grungy brown eggs.
I  stitched the saying on checked aida cloth.

This egg I did not put out for sale.
I made one more and grunged it too dark.
This one was not coffee stained yet.
Will keep this pattern for next year.
The egg itself is purple.
I made a bunny to go with it. 
Will show the dark one in another post.

Finally I took the same pattern I made
for the brown eggs and created dyed eggs.
Purple, blue and pink.

In other news.
Our guard dog Tundra at his post.
Each morning he looks out the window
for something to bark at.
Thank goodness we live on a dead end drive,
so not much traffic goes by.
Around 10 am he moves to our bed.
However he knows when our mail lady
comes and runs out of our room barking.
He definitely has a routine.

Finally here is my finished
Dancing Rabbit rug.
 I added blue wool scarves to each once finished.
No rhyme or reason to the blue background.
I did add a bit of a blue purple.
If you can enlarge my pic,
it is just above the left ear of the middle rabbit.
I had one little worm of this color and decided
to add it in.
The blue scarves on the end rabbits were
the center color for my flowers.
The middle blue was just a random blue.
Now to hang it.

Well off to work the store.
Need to check in some Halloween inventory.
Yep, Halloween.
I have to order it now if I want it.
Then I need to do some much needed paperwork.
After that will start a Halloween project
I drew out.
Of course all of this in between customers. 

What are your plans for the weekend?

Egg-stravaganza Blessings To All!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Black And Yellow


Saying Hello!

When I change up our gift shop
for the various seasons,
I like to choose color themes that may seem odd.
Especially at Christmas and Halloween.
Last Halloween I did green and purple.
Christmas was white and yellow.
Both were given many compliments.
For my Spring front window I decided on
black and yellow. 

These pics are rather dark.
So sorry but with the sun beating down
all day it makes it hard.

All the paintings are yellow flowers.
Throws in yellow and black.

I hung this watering can above some yellow daffoldils.

One of the paintings.
Actually these are photographs my friend took
then printed them on canvas.

I love these new throws.

Again the lighting sucks this time of year.

In other news,
I am a bad blogger.

I did not show the finished 
turtleneck bunny.

I cross stitched a bunny  and
created an egg shape and attached to his sweater.

Also in other news.
I finished my dancing rabbit rug.
Not showing the final pic until I bind it.
Only because I want to add something afterwards.
I want it tp be a surprise.
Stay tuned.

Black and Yellow Blessings To All!

Friday, March 18, 2022

Bun In The Oven

Have you ever heard the saying
 a bun in the oven.

I was reminded of this saying 
because I usually coffee stain my items,
sprinkle cinnamon and then bake them
in the oven.

This is my latest bun
that was in the oven. 

Anything that is fabric like these arms,
goes into the oven.
6 minutes at a time.
Flip and repeat until dry.
Don't ever leave them in for too long
or your buns will be burnt. LOL

It easier for me to add on the arms
afterwards rather than have my pattern
with the arms added in.

My stitches will be cleverly hidden once dressed
even the opening in the middle.

Once baked,
then I give my creations personality.
Here this one has a wool nose 
with vintage buttons eyes.

For this bunny I wanted to give him a sweater.

Made from blue fleece to keep him warm.
But Janice this is covering his head.

Sorry for the wonky pic.
I folded down the sweater to
make it look like a turtleneck.
Added a rusty pin and bell.

Now to finish this one,
I decided to have him hold a carrot.
One of his favorite foods.

The carrot was made of tan fleece and wool.

Well yesterday it reached 70 degrees.
I will be so disappointed now
when the temps go back down again...
as they will be going down tomorrow.
Rollercoaster temps is what we have in March.

Mom and I had a nice time together.
Yes I am a lucky one.
My dad passed almost 30 yrs ago.

I took her to her eye appt. in the morning.
Her eye pressure was a bit high.
They keep checking her every 6 months,
because she has an degenerative eye disease.
If it gets worse, she will need an eye transplant.
Hoping she does not.
For being 87 she is very active and does not
take one bit of medication.
I call it eating good from being raised
on a farm.
She still grows her own veggie garden and cans
and freezes her bounty.

Am hoping to work on my rug this weekend.
I need to get this finished soon
as I need to start my Halloween items.
Working full time for the bank still,
I only have weekends to work on items.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
What will you all be doing?
You know Tundra and I will be at our gift shop.

Bun In The Oven Blessings To All!


Monday, March 14, 2022

March CupbpardScape

Good morning all!
Well another work week begins for me.
An earlier one with the time change.
This old gal does not like getting up earlier
than normal anymore.

My mom will be coming today
to spend a few days with.
I will take off tomorrow,
and we will do some shopping
together and also do lunch.
Will be fun!

Today's CupboardScape is a bit of old & new.
This splint basket is very old.
In fact there is a piece of jute on the handle
to hold it together now.

The bunny was one I kept from the 80's
when I did craft shows with my dad.
On her apron is a pansy.
The afghan I also crocheted in the 80's.
It was made for my son.
My sister liked it so much, 
I made her one when she had my nephew.
She kept it for all of her kids.
It was warmer as I used normal yarn and not 
baby yarn at the time. 

Now this crock is old with the windmill design on it.
I so also love the blue flower on it too.

This cement bunny is new and both it
and the daffodils we sell at the store,
along with the foliage wreath underneath.

This photo you can see how big this basket is.
The crock is 11 inches high to put it in
some perspective.
Another simple Spring display
for this month's CupboardScape.

Now for an update on Dancing Rabbits.
I actually have been calling them 
"Bun Buns"

Now looking at this third bunny,
I am definitely going to be doing some tweaking.
I dont like his fat leg.
I will adjust before going any further.
I do however love the two bunny butts!

Am loving how the blue background 
is turning out though.
I cut my blue worms and just grab
on the fly.
No rhyme or reason.

In other news,
Bob's sister is home now and recuperating.
Such a scare having a heart attack.
Thanks for your concern.

Was disappointed that the images
for my Halloween theme were no longer
visible when I went into my spreadsheet
over the weekend.
Thank goodness I wrote descriptions
for each image so I know what I will be doing.
One of my displays will be a buffet area.

Well off to work.
Hope everyone has a great start to your week!

March CupboardScape Blessings To All!

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Wearing My Overalls

 Howdy friends!

Hope this post finds you all well.

When planning out this particular bunny,
I was reminded of the days my
grandpa H wore his overalls daily
(except Sundays) 
working on his farm.
Although he passed on when I was only 7,
I can still remember the blue jean overalls
he wore, with a handkerchief in his back pocket.

The life of a farmer was hard work,
and you needed clothes that worked hard too.
For my bunny's overalls I chose this plaid fabric.

Added an egg using a rusty pin.

The egg was made from linen 
Then I added a few Spring colored beads.

A fun face don't you think.

I aged both the bunny and his overalls,
but left the egg as is.

A wool worm was used for his scarf.
A worm is what we call a strip of wool in rug hooking.
He turned out just as planned.
Grandpa H would be proud!

This is my rug progress thus far.
Just more o the background added.

I could not finish outlining
my last bunny as I once again forgot
my white worms for his tail.
I can only hook on the weekends at the store
in between customers right now.
Am loving everyone's renditions of this rug
over at Saundra's blog.
Please do visit at Woodland Junction.

In other news.

My granddaughter Mikayla is now
learning to drive.
(Where have the years gone)

My Grandson Michael backed into his 
moms car. He cried and cried,
because she had just gotten it back from
the accident she had before her 
first surgery.
She forgot to tell him that she was parked
behind him, and he just started backing out
of their garage and hit her.

Finally Bob's sister had a heart attack
yesterday morning.
She is only 57.
She also has pneumonia.
They admitted her and are running
all kinds of tests.
Please say a wee prayer for her.
So young.

Well off to work.
Hope everyone has a great upcoming weekend!

Plaid Overall Blessings To All!