Prims By the Water

Monday, November 30, 2020

Oh My Tundra


Robin from the Cranky Crow asked for a Tundra update.

Robin this is for you. 

Daddy is my favorite human.
When he is here at home, I spend my time with him.

I wait for him patiently when he is outside.
Mom told me I could not go out,
because daddy had the gate open.
So I got on the couch and watched him 
through the window until he came back inside.

When mom has food at her desk,
I pay attention to her then. LOL
But mom you let the cats on the couches...
so I have the same right too!

In other news, the kitties still do not like me.
One day am hoping they do.

I so love when grandpa Ed visits me on the weekends.
He watched me the entire night mom and dad
went to that wedding.
We had fun though Grandpa Ed and I.
He even treated me to some apple slices that night.

We play squirrel every time he visits me at the store.
I have a stuffed squirrel that he throws across
the floor and I go grab it and bring it back.
We play this game every time.
I have so much fun!

This is me again waiting for food at the store.
Mom brings breakfast on weekends.
She did give me the egg I wanted.
She cannot resist these coal black eyes
staring at her.

I am 5 months old and getting
bigger every day.
I love both the rain and snow,
and mom and dad get a bit mad that 
I do not want to come inside when it rains.
Not sure why they do not like a wet dog still.
It is fun!!!

Well here is my update for now Robin.

Tundra Signing Off Blessings To All!



Friday, November 27, 2020

Let The Season Begin

Hope everyone enjoyed


Bob and I had a low key dinner
with his dad.
I have today off, so plan on decorating a bit.
Starting with my latest prim Santa.

I found these rusty stockings,
and the rest followed.

Keeping one for myself,
while selling the rest I created.

Now my new Santa has a pal.

Let The Season Begin Blessings To All!


Monday, November 23, 2020

A Snowy Day

Snowed all day yesterday anyway.

Good morning friends. Since it snowed,
thought it was a perfect time to show you
my latest prim snowman.

Made from quilt batting for his body.

Complete with a fun Winter scarf
and simple snow tag.

Black top hat.

Forgot about his nose.
Grungy fabric.

A fine Winter chap!

Oh and then I created this
snow angel.

With her Joy tag.

Wings made from a fabric with
musical notes.

Perfect Winter companions.

Speaking of Winter companions.
Our 5 month Tundra boy investigating
his first snow.
At first he did not want to leave the porch.
Then he went off the porch onto the sidewalk.
Eventually went on the grass....
then he was off!
He had so much fun!
All wet when he finally came in.
The life of a sled dog...his time of year.
A spoiled pup for sure too!!!

Post Snowy Blessings To All!


Friday, November 20, 2020

A Sneak Peek


Of Sorts.


I started my Christmas decor....
just in our back room for now.
I will have my stockings featured in here.

However the star of this Christmas room,
will be my Santa's.

The wood sleigh and Rudolf
make me smile every day.
My dad made these for me,
and will be treasured forever.

Did you start your Christmas decor yet?

Sneak Peek Blessings To All!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

There's Gnome Place Like Home

 What a Sunday we had.

Winds up to 65 mph and we lost power at both stores. 

Thankfully we had power at home.
I swear the white caps on the river were big enough to surf.

Today I am showing my lil gnome pillows 
that I created to sell.

I decided to have a gnome area for Christmas.
For Halloween they were at our counter.

Gnomes in many cultures are known for
good luck.

The first known gnome was created
in the 1800's in Germany.

Gnomes are said to provide protection
as well and are placed in barns and gardens.
Unfortunately the original makers stopped
producing them with the world war as their
factories were destroyed.

Don't you just love these gnome lidded mugs.
I think they are so adorable! 

A little corner of good luck at our store....
hmmm wonder why they did not
protect us from the power outage.
Not to mention three wood fence panels
came crashing down in the parking lot,
which we now have to replace.
This fence provides privacy to the homes
directly behind our stores.
We would love to put a block wall up....
but alas cannot afford that right now.

No power yet yesterday either,
so hopefully we can re-open today.

Gnome Blessings To All!


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Did Someone Say Gingerbread

Well if you did then you are in for a treat.

Our first Christmas gift shop display.

Starting with my first tree 
decked out in pink and white lights
with ginger goodies and a felt holly garland.

The base of the tree wrapped in pink fleece.
I added this mistletoe pillow to the chair
to finish the corner.

This table full of goodies is to the
right of the tree.

These green trees are made to look like a 
cookie tree with gingerbread snowflakes.
The red and white ribbon candy ones light up.

The ice cream cones are almost gone already.
I leave 6 on the table for display only.
they come in pink and white.
The candy cane holder is also a customer fav.
Not many left of these either.
I bought 12...guess I should have bought more.

More goodies.

Peppermint candies on the left.
Hard candy on the right.
Perfect for bowl fillers.
Santa, Rudolf, Gingerbread man and snowman
inside a fun cupcake.
Candy Nutcrackers with sprinkle trees
and another ginger couple.

Hard candy garland, holly garland packaged.
More gingers and bottle brush trees in mint green.

Lots of hard work getting our back room together.
32 hours of hard work for a week.
However I love our customer comments...
and the kids love it too!
More to come in upcoming posts.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
Tundra and I will be working the gift shop.

Ginger Blessings To All!


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Sugar Cookies

 Good morning friends!

When deciding what to do for Christmas
at our gift shop,
I remembered creating cookies
many years ago, and made more again this year.
Cutting my shapes from tan fleece
and then again in batting.

Adding colored glass beads for sprinkles.

Creating my version of a sprinkled 
sugar cookie.
Cotton thread was sewn in between
the layers so that these may be
hung on your tree.
Candy Cane, Heart and Tree.
I wanted to make gingerbread men
too but not enough time.

The green hue in this pic is from our
overhead lighting in the store.
We added green and red bulbs
in between our normal white ones from the ceiling.
Gives our room a festive look.

Been recently dealing with some
sciatic nerve pain in my leg.
Not fun and keeps me up at night.
Taking inflammatory meds to help...
wish it would hurry up and go away.
(the joy of getting old)

Sugar Cookie Blessings To All!


Monday, November 9, 2020

Respect The Turkey


Can it be Monday already?

Am losing my dates working at home full days and nights at the store. I have been coming and going so much that I feel my home is getting neglected.

The joy of owning 2 stores.

Am far behind on reading my blogs posts too.
Will try and catch up my friends soon.
Now that the gift shop is open and ready
for Christmas goodies,
I have more time.
(let's hope)

Today I wanted to show you my
display for respecting the turkey.

Gobble Gobble goodness!

With turkeys in different colors and size.

The pumpkins are mixed in too.

This is what our customers see when

they first come though the door.

My sister stopped by on Saturday
and brought these fun pumpkins
for me to sell as well.
Hand made by my nephews wife.
They live in North Carolina,
and my sister was there last week visiting.
Sent me a pic of these adorable pumpkins
and glass blocks...
so I told her to bring them back and I would sell them
in our store.
Lots of teal, gray and white ones.
Told sis to have Holly make some in 
orange, green and yellow next year.

Well lunch break is over now.
Wish time would stop a bit for me.
Sure could use more of it.

Respect The Turkey Blessings To All!


Thursday, November 5, 2020

November CupboardScape

 Well the weekend is almost here.

Temps here in Michigan will be in the 60's.


Am so very thankful for many things,
so decided this month's cupboardscape
would try and reflect on that.

Our forefathers and foremothers
had to struggle making it in this new world.
They had to work, and work hard 
to eke out a living.

It was not easy.
Weather and illness took its toll on them.

We all must give thanks.

Give thanks to them that forged ahead,
so that we could be a free country.

Especially farmers,
who had to work the land,
day in and day out.

In hopes that they would be able to reap
their harvest.
Not only to put food on their table,
also to feed their livestock.
They could not just drive to the local
store for things they wanted.

They used everything they could.
Made do with what they had.

Later this month we will sit down
to our Thanksgiving dinner.
Please take a moment to thank
your ancestors for all they did for us.

the 1700 and 1800's
were difficult ones.
I will remember my great grandparents
who made a living in this wild
world full of trees and open spaces
in the thumb area of Michigan.
back in the 1800's.
They went through the terrible fire
that destroyed everything in its path,
both human and livestock were lost.
This fire went across our state from 
the West all the way to the shores
of Lake Huron to the East
before ending its path of destruction.
The winds that whipped this fire were so
strong, all were lost in its path.
Fortunately for my great grandparents,
the fire went just to the North of them.
They were spared.

They could hear it and see it,
and even smell it.

Which reminds me of the devastating fires out West 
we have now.

So please just take a few moments
to say a wee prayer
for those who sacrificed everything
to live in this country
we call the 
Land Of The Free   
Home Of The Brave.

November Blessings To All!