Prims By the Water

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Paper Flowers

Hello sweet friends.
First I want to apologize for not
commenting these past few days
to your blogs and even my own.

My aunt took a turn for the worse
and I had to drive many hours to 
bring my mom many hours
to visit her sister one last time probably.
My cousin drove my uncle to the hospital too. 

Once we left the hospital yesterday afternoon,
my mom wanted to go home...
so I once again drove many hours
to take her home and drive back to my home.
My mom wanted to be alone.
Alone in her grief knowing her sister
would be going on to her next life.

Any minute now I fear I will be getting a call.
The call I do not want to get.

The flowers in these pics were paper ones
I created for sale in our new store.

I need to go to work now,
however it will be hard to get anything done.
Don't feel like doing anything.
So numb right now and tired.

Paper Flower Blessings To All!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Winter Turkey Trot

Can it be Sunday already?
Where did the weekend go?
Well mine was making carrots.

A few weeks ago,
I saw some turkeys in the snow.
They looked like they were playing.
Doing the turkey Winter trot!  
This was my inspiration for this display.

Of course I had to add a rabbit in the mix.

See the turkey feathers?

Add one more.

I love blue and white 
together for Winter displays.

With a little greenery.

Another simple Winter display.

Today I am headed to our new store
to do some inventory that we bought for
our little store

Blue Water Gift Shop.

we are legal now.

Our new store will feature
candy, pickled everything
and jams that we currently sell
at our other store.
We will be moving that product over.
Adding specialty coffee and tea,
honey, toffee, 
candles, handmades and home decor.

Bob made all of the built in cabinets.
Will show off his craftsmanship
in another post.
He is painting now.

What have you been doing this weekend?

Winter Turkey Trot Blessings To All!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

What Gray Hare

Good Thursday morning friends!
Its been very chilly in the mornings this week.
Temps in the teens. BRRR.

Today's post I am rushing 
for the Spring season to begin.

I made just a few prim bunnies thus far.

When I started creating these bunnies 
it reminded me of a story.
My kids were in their teens, and they just
had to tell me 
"mom you have a gray hair"

So I decided to create a gray hare. LOL

However my reply to my kids....
after I pulled out that gray hair.
"What gray hair are you talking about?"
(notice no gray hare in this pic) LOL

But more came back.
I dyed and dyed my hair....
but finally decided I earned those gray hairs.
Now I am a silver gray fox. :-)

Well I have to hop in my car and go to work.

Have a marvelous Thursday my friends!
The weekend is almost here.

Gray Hare Blessings To All!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Doozy VS Cozy

Monday is here already.
While the weather 
was frightful outside this past weekend,
I was happily sewing away
in my comfy chair.
The view from said chair looks
directly at my one corner of the
living room.

With the snow on Saturday,
which then turned to freezing rain 
by noon time, then to rain,
I decided to turn my wee lights on
that are on my pine boughs over 
our doorways into the kitchen.
They are usually on a timer set for 6pm.

This view is that of my first hooked rug.
I drew this myself.
The outline of the vase I hooked with fabric.

I paired it an antique mirror.
One day when I have time to hook again,
I have a new design I drew out that will
either go above the rug and mirror,
or in my kitchen.

Sunday afternoon brought more snow.
So while it was a doozy of a storm outside,
it was cozy inside.
I finished up my prim bunnies,
and then worked on pudgy carrots,
as I am calling them.

Today Bob and I are off
 to do more shopping.
He is building cabinets for our new store,
I want to see if there is new fabric.
I love both fabric and wool.
Lunch will be in the mix as well.

What did you do over the weekend?
Was it cozy or a doozy or both?

Cozy VS Doozy Blessings To All!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Changing Up Thats All

Well my friends,
we might be in for a doozy of
a snowstorm this weekend.
I took today off and will do
 my grocery shopping this morning.
Then Bob and I are off to shop for our new store.
Bob is building cabinets...
and needs more wood.
I need more fabric...
and well we need some time together.

This is how my bench looked like
during the holiday season.
 My granddaughter
Mikayla asked me 
"Gramma did you buy a new blanket?"
She calls my coverlet a blanket.

"Nope Mikayla, gramma just turned it over
now for Winter."

Changing up thats all!

Have an awesome day friends!

Thursday Blessings To All!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Peep Peep

hello to all of my friends!

Well Saturday we had 2 inches of rain
with snow overnight.
It was pouring when I went out
to the grocery store,
but then I stayed in the rest of the weekend. 

A few weeks back
I decided to make these peeps bunnies.
Now I was so excited to take these pictures,
I did so before I stitched their bottoms closed.
It is like someone took a bite out of them already.

I sewed 8 of them in fun vibrant colors.
They are pillow size at 12 inches high.
Each just a bit different...
but that makes handmade more special.
Not made in China,
Great for Easter!

I know these are not prim,
however will be sold in our new store.

Once the paperwork 
comes back from the state of Michigan,
I can reveal what our store
 will be and the name.
For now I still have to keep it a secret.

Peep Peep Blessings To All!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Adding In Some Green

Even though it is still green outside.

This weekend the temps ar in the 
high 40's to low 50's. 

Not normal January weather for us
folks here in Michigan.

In fact we are under a flood warning all weekend.

Those folks on the North end of
Lake St Clair already were flooded
 a few weeks ago.
Home were lost along with one of our
favorite restaurants.

This weekend we may get up to
3 inches of rain. UGH

If this had been snow,
we would have been getting
up to 3 feet of snow.
Guess the rain is the better evil of the two. 

At least once I get back home
from taking my FIL grocery shopping
this morning, I will be dry.

I will continue to work on Spring items
for our new store.

Today I showed you a part of our
spare bedroom in Winter mode.
This is the view looking into the bedroom
from our hall.

Corner view.

Wider angle with the closet door.
All of the interior doors in our home
were salvaged from a 100 year old
farmhouse that was to be torn down.
We gave them a new life.

An update on my aunt.
Her doctor opted for radiation now,
instead of surgery.
They will start on Monday.
Thank you all for your prayers.
It is much appreciated. 

Will your weekend be dry or wet?

Adding In Green Blessings To All!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Getting My Winter On

Saturday in between working on bunnies,
I decided to get my Winter on.
Even though there was no snow
on the ground until Sunday evening,
I decided to start taking some
of my Christmas down.  

I don't like the long dark evenings,
so keeping up the trees and lights,
keeps me in a better mood.
I just take the ornaments off for another month.
Maybe add new ones fitting for Winter.

I also like to create Winter displays.

Create I did!

20+ years of collecting,
with so many wonderful antiques,
affords me the opportunity
to mix and match to change with the seasons.

This display greets folks as they come
through our front door.

Do you keep any lights up 
during this time of the year,
or do you take everything down?

On another note,
my aunt Louise who is also my godmother.
She knitted these wonderful mittens
I showed off in my last post.
She is undergoing surgery Monday
for 2 masses in her brain.
I just found out yesterday,
so if you could,
please say a wee prayer for her.
Much appreciated and thank you.

Getting My Winter On Blessings To All!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

January CupboardScape

My first CupboardScape of the year.

I was going through my Christmas cards that
I received and saw one in there 
with a one horse sleigh as the picture.

This gave me the idea of my latest display,
which included mittens.

My sleigh bells.

Pops of red like these faux poinsettias.

One of my antique feather trees
with antique silver garland.

A horse.

With my sleigh (antique child's sled) 

My version of a one horse open sleigh.

So loved creating this display.

A big thank you 
to my cousins Judy & Kurt
for providing me the inspiration 
in creating my January CupboardScape
with their beautiful Christmas card.

Now if you look closely at these pics,
you will notice I had originally added a candycane
to the mittens...but realized I had more bells,
so I changed it up.

Today after I take my FIL grocery shopping,
more bunnies will be multiplying.
Working on Peeps bunny pillows now.

What will this first weekend of January
find you doing!

Sleigh Bell Blessings To All!