Prims By the Water

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Red And Juicy

Red Strawberries.
I have always associated the month of June
as the season of the strawberry.
Although this is the last day of the month,
I wanted to feature one of my 
favorite fruits.

I grow my own along with rhubarb,
and always enjoy making a strawberry rhubarb pie.
{homemade fabric strawberries I made}

Fresh Red and Juicy ones! 

Gramma H also had strawberries on the farm.
I enjoyed picking them with her...
but the birds always managed to get a few. 
{I stitched this strawberry pillow a few years ago}

My mom also had a strawberry patch...
still does, and this year my aunt had to to put the 
mesh over the patch to save from the birds 
since my mom's accident.
My mom always makes strawberry jam.
Love it!
{prim doll I created wearing a strawberry necklace}

Finally this Strawberry sign.
We have had this double sided sign hanging in 
our store since we opened.
Almost daily someone has wanted to purchase it.
Only for Bob to say if 
"If I sell this I won't have a home to go back to."

Well I decided to have Bob 
bring it home the other day.
Once Bob hangs it...I will show it again.

Getting ready for my brother to bring my mom
here today.
The in home nurse will also pay a visit.
Then my brother and SIL
will join Bob and I and son Matt for a BBQ later.

For those affected with this recent heat wave,
please stay safe inside and stay hydrated.

Red & Juicy Blessings To All!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Summer Display

Hello friends.
Wanted to share with you
an easy peasy display.
Happy Hump Day!
Where is the week going?

I had these half pint milk bottles
collecting dust....
so I thought what can I do
 to put them to good use.

After cleaning them 
I placed them on my kitchen window sill.

Added water and placed some faux flowers inside each.

The water is to make you think the flowers are real
Did it work? :-)

My view out this window changes
all of the time.

Sometimes there are deer along the fence line,
turkeys, bunnies, squirrels...and the neighbors cat.
Birds galore.
At night the fireflies fill the trees out back.

Now I have something else to look at this Summer.
My pretty faux milk bottle flowers.

{now if I could only get Bob to clean up 
his mess on the right side of our yard}

In other news, my mom will be coming to stay
with Bob and I for awhile starting Saturday.
She will have in house therapy 3 times per week.
Once she is comfortable she will go home.
For now she will have a place to stay and heal.

Summer Display Blessings To All!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Party Lights

Happy Summer Everyone!
Bob surprised me with these
outdoor Edison lights
last week.
We have a set of these in the store.
I had wanted these 
for such a long time now at home.
Bob said they cost more now then
when he purchased them for the store.
He was not going to pay the high cost
just to have them at home.

I was head over heels when I saw 
these lit up when I came home.
I immediately had to take pics.

He also purchased LCD lights
for our porch posts.

It looks so pretty now outside...
however the mosquitoes chase us in.
Dang mosquitoes. 

I call them our party lights.

I so love our new porch lights too!
I am like a kid in a candy store
right over the moon!

I took this last pic during the daylight.
Thank you sweetie
 for the lovely surprise!

Today I am going to try and work 
on my bathroom curtains...still
have not started on them yet.
Just too busy going back and forth
to see my mom in therapy.
We found out last week
her insurance
 will not pay anymore,
 so she has decided to pay
the bill on her own until
she is well enough to leave...
Insurance companies 
You pay into it and when you need it
they cut you off.
Just glad she has the money 
to stay in therapy.
She was not allowed to even
start therapy on the leg she broke
her hip until last Thursday
when she saw the doctor,
and the insurance cancelled
her stay the same day.
She just started walking with a walker.
Not far..but it's a start.
We have appealed as her doctor stated
 she is still a high risk of falling,
but not sure if that will suffice
the money hungry insurance company.
Like I said before
Insurance companies

Hope everyone is enjoying
 their weekend!

Until next time.

Party Light Blessings To All!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Pretty Penny

Good morning sweet friends.
Hope everyone is enjoying their week.
Today is the Summer Solstice.
Tonight Bob and I will enjoy the fireworks
in which the First Nations
{Canadian Indian Community}
celebrates the Summer Solstice
with a huge fireworks display.
The community is directly across
the river from us on Walpole Island.
We always have a front row seat
on our side of the river!

I finished my penny rug.
Woot Woot!!!
See how the red background
matches my new pillows.

I made 55 pennies.
Worked on this piece 
during lunches at work.
The border is a cream background
with tiny blue stars.

Just in time for July 4th.
I keep a bit of the patriotic in one cabinet.
Still have not had a chance to get in that
dang attic for all of my patriotic bins....
and it looks like I won't be doing 
much this year.

This patriotic ribbon amd few flowers
were inside that cabinet.
I just took one of my white pitchers
to make this small display.

All sitting pretty in the living room.

Has anyone else been able to start
their patriotic decorating?

As a reminder, I do check often at my posts
and will comment directly back to you
on each post....
so check back to see my replies.
Thank you again for your wonderful comments!
I will also delete comments that do not
seem to really be from my blog friends.

With that note, I hope everyone also enjoys
their weekend!!!

A Pretty Penny Blessings To All!

Monday, June 18, 2018

June CupboardScape

I hope all the Father's out there had a grand day!

In Honor of Father's Day,
This CupboadScape is all about
the male folks of my family.

Although my father has been gone
for 25 years now,
I still thought about him yesterday.

My grandfathers and father,
instilled their values, love and compassion.
Plus some fine memories...
even a ghastly one.
See below for the shocking one.

Grandpa Bruno B. was caught making whiskey
during the Prohibition Era and spent a week
 in the small towns pokey.
{ whiskey jug }

He also wore the gray Fedora hat.
{ hat }

Great Grandpa Robert W.
wore the gray spats.
Spats were placed over the ankle
to protect ones shoes and socks from mud & rain.
{ gray spats to the left with box }

Grandpa Charlie H. use to carry a water pitcher
around the farm for his thirst.
{ blue enamel water pitcher }
We would walk the back pasture
to call the cows in for milking.
He always let me ride one cow back to the barn.

He always scrubbed his arms and hands
after the farm chores were done with Lava soap.
As a kid watching him, I thought he would scrub
his skin right off he did it so hard. LOL
{ Lava Soap }

Grandpa H and my dad both liked playing checkers.
I would play with grandpa most nights
when visiting the farnhouse.
{ Checkerboard }

My own father used tobacco.
Up until he was thirty when he quit.
{ Prince Albert Tobacco Tin }

Both Saturday and Sunday Bob's dad
came over for dinner.
It was a treat for us because not only
did he cook us up some ribs,
but he cooked steaks we had bought too.
Yesterday it was so hot that I decided to
make BBQ pulled pork sandwiches 
made in the slow cooker.
Potato Salad and a Cucumber Tomato Salad.
Also made a chocolate pie.

How was your weekend spent?

Father's Day Post Blessings To All!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Magical Fit

Last weekend was a rainy one,
fitting for the ducks and water birds
we have here.
The gloomy day made my mind wander.
Wander to the magical time of Halloween
to all that is related to the
witchy hour. 

Blacks, oranges and purples
Yummy colors for this design.

Am calling this one 
Witch Parking

By reason that someone decided
to park himself on top of said boot.

Can you guess what character did this?

Will share who parked a ride later on.

Visiting with my mom almost daily
has brought out
the pencil and paper...
Not being able to drag out all
of the July 4th decor...
Halloween has been popping into my noggin.
I know crazy right?

My fabric is easier to get to. LOL

Working the store tomorrow...
then having Bob's dad over for
a grilled steak dinner on the barby.

My dad is no longer with us, 
so I know he will be here in spirit
for Father's Day.

What will your plans be for this weekend?

Magical Fit Blessings To All!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Flag Day

The Second Continental Congress
adopted the 
United States
flag on
June 14, 1777
which makes this the 241 year of our flag.

Nicknames for our flag are
Old Glory
The Red White and Blue

Stars & Stripes
The Star Spangled Banner

{{Long May She Wave}}

Hope everyone remembers our flag.
June 14th.

Flag Day Blessings To All!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Garden Plot

Its been a long long time
since I have really loved my garden.
At my old house I had many many gardens.
Here I only have room for a small few.

It was a cold start to our Spring,
however once the Spring flowers started
they are really putting on a show!

This was the door trellis Bob made for our garden
a few years ago now.

First year Honeysuckle planted.

The Hummers are going to love
 the Honeysuckle this year.
Our trellis is loaded
 with this sweet scented flower.
{one was even humming near me when I took this pic}

We even have real bunnies visiting us now.

I usually plant Red Geraniums in my planters.
This year I opted for Red Gerbera's, 
magenta petunias & a variegated pink green vine.  

The magenta spirea is also doing great!
The little Henry Sweetspire is full of buds too.

Then there's the kiwi vine.
I almost pulled this vine out last year.
It was the second year and was just green.
I purchased it because it was supposed
 to be white, green and pink.
Year three and it is finally changing colors....
and WOW it has sprouted and growing
like a weed now on the opposite side of our trellis.
{so glad I did not pull it out}

See how high it is getting this year on the left.

The Honeysuckle is on the right.

I want Bob to make me another one at the other
end of our walkway so I can add two more
flowering vines.
Any suggestions?

Other than my volunteer sunflowers,
I don't normally like yellow flowers,
but this year I added a few Dahlias.
The tiny white flowers are called
Angel Wings

This flower pot is at the top of our steps 
to the porch.
I have been reading up on natural plants
that deter mosquitoes.
Sage and Ageratum are some of them.
The Purple Ageratum is to the right,
and behind that is the sage.
{hope it helps}
Bob says we grow the mosquitoes
 big around here. :-)

Then on our porch by the door,
is another planter inside our
antique wood sorghum cutter.
If you live in the South you know what this is.
Sorghum syrup was the staple 
like Molasses was here in the North.
Now it is used as livestock and even made into ethanol.
The plant itself grows tall like corn and is a cereal grain.
You would boil it down to make the syrup.
It was thought to have been brought over from
Africa with the slave boats and grows
 great in the South because it is drought resistant.
I love the Sorghum candles from the
A Simple Life magazine.
One of the editors does a prim show with us...
and I purchase the candles from her.

Laundry and cleaning today.
Then work on prim goodies.

On another note:
Mom is doing good with therapy, but is only
at 10% usage with the hip she had the surgery on.
She needs to be at 90%
 before they consider letting her go.

Bob and I visited with her on Thursday night.
My brother and his wife spent time with her yesterday.
My sister is going today to do her hair.
She is a beautician...and the rehab place told her
she could use their facility.
Tomorrow, more of my family will be visiting
and I will go back with her cleaned laundry
 on Monday sometime.

Hope everyone has a sparkling weekend.
Ours may be a rainy one :-(
{but we do need it}

Garden Plot Blessings To All!