Prims By the Water

Friday, June 30, 2017

Simple Cupboard Blessings

It's the weekend,
and the start of my vacation.

Tomorrow Bob and I are heading up to my mom's
to take her out for dinner and then watching the fireworks.

First we will do a bit of shopping, go to lunch
and then visit a dear antique friend
 we have not seen in awhile.
He has the cutest store.
{remember to take camera to take pictures}

Right now this is the cupboard in our bedroom
bedazzled in a bit of red, white and blue.

Our colonial blue walls make the perfect
backdrop for being patriotic.

An easy setting for my prims too!

Perfect display on our bedroom cupboard.
Did you notice the 1 2 3 rule in this?
The three pantry boxes to the right.
Panty box, bunny and punch tin light to the left.
Also the three bottle inside the pantry box. 

I love adding faux flowers where I can.

Simple arrangement with a little
pop of red white and blue.

I want to wish all of my Canadian friends 
Happy 150 Canada Day

All of my American friends
a Happy Fourth of July.

Hope you enjoy some bbq, fireworks, playtime,
good food and drinks or whatever you choose to do
on this holiday.
Just be safe and have fun!

Simple Cupboard Blessings To All!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Bedroom Wall

Good evening sweet friends.
So glad to be home. 
I have been going to therapy now for 2 months,
and tonight it kicked me in the butt.
I am so tired, that I did not want to eat dinner,
and instead stopped at our local Dairy Queen
and bought the biggest chocolate milkshake they had.

Took a hot shower when I got home,
and now sitting down a bit relaxed typing this post,
and sipping on my shake.

Between doing the job of two people for a month,
and therapy...I think I am running out of energy.
So looking forward to some fun next week with the grands.

Saturday night we are traveling to my mom's to
enjoy the fireworks in her small town.
Will take her to dinner and then go down to the lake
and wait for the show to begin.

Next Tuesday Bob and I have an appt at the tile shop.
We will be picking out bathroom tile,
for our remodel. 
Finally getting rid of the pepto bismo pink bath.

The gentlemen at the tile shop told me it will
probably take us two hours to pick out the tile we want,
and the design.

All I know is I want to go classic black and white.
Not a prim bath, but will have prim accessories.

The grands will be in Cedar Pointe, OH that day,
and then back with us the remainder of the week.

They like rides, we do not anymore at our age.

So in between my ramblings,
I have featured our bedroom wall.

Changed up for the Summer.
with a bit of patriotic colors.

A past pic of what it looked like for Winter.

Do you have a Summer, Fall or Winter look for your rooms?
I love to change things up!

Well off to watch some tv, and read some other blogs.

Bedroom Wall Blessings To All!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Little Friend

So great to have you drop by.
I woke up this morning to billowy clouds
dancing in the blue sky.
I may have to take my stitching outside today.

Right now I want to share how I created my little friend.

My sketches....they sometimes get changed a bit.

The leaf ended up being scratched off.
the bow on the dress is now on the right side,
and not a bow.
The nose is a bit different.
No scarf..and I cannot even remember what that 
square was for. LOL

Body pieces drawn on paper... 
whatever I can find at the time.

Hand sewn onto muslin.
Stuffed and coffee stained in orange.

Dress hand sewn and coffee stained.

Ready for her face.

Such a sweet face don't you think?

Taking in the sunshine.

Waiting to be adopted.

At only 13 1/2 inches high.
{which includes the stick}
A cutie for sure.

Have a wonderful Sunday my friends.
Enjoy the day outside if you can.

Little Friend Blessings To All!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

My Little Nook

I am so excited!
In a few weeks the grands will be here for the week.

We have plans to go to the carnival in town.
July 4th fireworks.
Our annual trip to the island for lunch.
Some beach permitting.
Maybe even roast marshmallows at an evening fire.
It's going to be fun for all!

In the meantime,
still decorating for the 4th.
This time our little nook in the bedroom.

We never had this little nook before,
so am so excited to be able to change up displays
on this little table.

Plus the wall above the table.

Sun bonnets so remind me of Summer.
Gramma H always wore hers in the Summer.

Summer reading was always on the agenda.
I loved reading and as a teen my parents
paid for a subscription to Scholastic Books.
I was able to pick out 4 books per month.
At the time, I loved reading Mysteries and anything
about animals. 

Loving my little Summer display.

A tiny nook with a big statement
showing its Patriotic Pride.

Bob did an awesome job creating it.

Was so glad this table fit perfectly here.
I don't even hit it when I open my side of the closet.

Do you have a little corner of your house that you love?

Little Nook Blessings To All!

Monday, June 19, 2017

From Little Acorns

Mighty Oaks Do Grow.
{American Proverb}

Good morning sweet friends.
Hope your week is going good for you all!

In between July 4th decorating,
I have started making goodies
for our upcoming Autumn shows and for the store.

Sometimes looking to nature is the best inspiration.

Our little community that we live in is called
Oak Grove.
We have many huge oak trees.
One day as I was looking at these massive trees,
I decided to draw up a pattern for these 
adorable little acorns.

Acorns are greenish white before they turn brown.
My acorn bundles have 2 different shades of brown,
2 shades of green and one white..for a total of 7.

Does nature inspire you?
Off to work and then make more 
of these little future oak trees at lunch. :-)

From Little Acorns Blessings To All!

Friday, June 16, 2017


To the 

Happy weekend to all of my blogging friends.
Do you have any plans?
I plan on staying home this weekend.
Just doing normal weekend chores,
and a bit of creating.

Just staying indoors because the temps
around here are going to be close to 90
with humidity near 100%.
Winnie and Mildred, 
I will feel like I am down South. :-)

Neither here nor there.
Just a few pics of the living room/ hall
decked out in all its Summer Glory.

Did you the saying neither here no there
was first recorded in the 16th century.

It was said in respect to God.

It came from the sermons of J Calvin
in 1583.

Hither and Yon
came about in the 17th century.

Who knew it would morph into 
Here and there.

I find it interesting how sayings came into being.

The word hither was first used in the 8th century.

Did you know the word Fabulous came from the Latin word
Fabulosas in the 15th century.

Have a FABULOSAS weekend my friends!

Say YES Blessings To All!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Second Americana Tree Reveal

Good morning everyone.
It's a cloudy one here.
I took the day off today for
therapy and dr appts.
I am currently back to 80% with my shoulder.
Later have to have a dentist appt.
Have to take care of a cavity .

So whilst I have some time to kill,
I will work on some Fall goodies...
but first will show you the second tree.

I wanted to make some firecrackers.
With Bob's assistance, he cut a wood dowel for me
into 3 1/4 inch lengths.
I then cut fabric to wrap around the dowel,
and glued to the dowel using Eileen's Tacky Glue.
Bob also drilled a tiny hole at one end, 
which I then glued a piece of twine for the fuse.

The fireworks fit perfectly
 into these antique silver candle holders.

Being it is June, I also made these red juicy strawberries.

My latest teddy sitting watch playing with his yo yo.
Another scrpit crock in back.

One of my dollies made from a 
Cat Nap Primitives pattern.
She proudly sits on top watching the parade....
the parade of folks coming in and out of the house.
Plus the kitties running around.

Bottom half.

Upper half.


Lower Back.
{Looking into the hall and kitchen}

Did you notice I also added some more
vintage silver ornaments?

I hope you all have a fabulous day today!

Tuesday Tree Blessings To All!