Prims By the Water

Monday, January 30, 2017

Kitchen Getting Fresh

Good evening sweet friends.
Well its seems I jinxed myself 
with my CupboardScape.
 It snowed yesterday and tonight we are suppose to get more.
Hope everyone is doing good this last Monday of the month.
Can you believe February is this week?
Closer to Spring though!

A few of you requested me to show pics of the kitchen.
Bob repainted the cabinets white.

He did a great job, don't you think?

We don't have a fancy kitchen my no means.
Heck, I don't even have a dishwasher...
someday we are going to bump out the house,
and have a real kitchen.
For now I am happy just to have the cabinets re-painted.

My dipper valance.
The rod is an antique wheat flail.
It was used for threshing the grain
from the husks. In essence it would crack it open.
A time consuming process before the threshing
machines were invented.

Now usually this white apothecary cabinet
is on top of our refrigerator, but I wanted
to show you what a prim kitchen could look like.
Our microwave and Keurig is gone for now.
Put back after I took these pics.
(We are not totally primitive) 

That brown thing hanging is a seed sorter.
The wheat flail on the left of it.

Pie peels and towels.
The little wood box holds my dish rags.

The muffins under the shoo fly screen are wax ones.

I use vintage glass coffee jars to hold sugar,
brown sugar, coffee and flour.
They sell repros of these at Hobby Lobby.
Now I know why ours at the store sold out.
They were cheaper.

A part of the wall between the cabinets and the fridge.

Well I hope you liked our kitchen update.
Bob is the best installer as he calls himself!

Hope everyone enjoys their evening!
Nachos for dinner tonight,

Kitchen Re-fresh Blessings To All!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

January CupboardScape

Good morning friends.
Happy Saturday to you all!
Hope all is well.
This month's CupboardScape has a bit of snow in it.
Here in our part of Michigan we are suppose to have had
 at least 40 inches by now. 
Although we did get a dusting overnight,
we are at about 13 inches right now...
and before this morning there was no snow to be seen.

Although I am not a huge fan of snow,
it does seem a bit odd to see grass this time of year.
Is this part of global warming?
I am not sure, so I decided to make snow inside. :-)

This is how I imagine myself as a child
on gramma B's farm.
Making snowmen in the yard, 
and walking in the woods in and around
all of her pine trees. 
Green spruce, red pine and blue spruce.

I loved playing in the snow with my red mittens.
It was a magical time.
Seeing at all of the different animal tracks in the snow.
The cows, horses, chickens, deer, and bunnies.
Watching the horses romp and play in it.
Watching the chickens scratch in it.
Occasionally seeing a deer in between the cows
eating their food together.
Oh and the birds.
The cackle of the Blue jays, the caws of the Crows,
Chickadees, Cardinals and Northern Mockingbirds.

This particular snowman was built by my dad.
I will treasure him forever!

For my friends who also find themselves with no snow,
I hope this brings a bit of joy to you today.

What are your plans for the weekend?

Mine will be finishing up my Valentine piece.

Sticthing sewn to background,
with another strip of red on each side.

Leaves all pinned and ready to go.

Starting to add the stems.

Bunny approved!

Hope your weekend is full of whatever your hearts desire!

Snowy End Of January Blessings To All!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wood Tool Caddy

Good evening dear sweet friends.

Doctor visit with my daughter was a good one.
She is back in a walking boot and starts therapy next week.
She can also return to work part time on Monday.
Which means Bob might not get that hat I keep saying
she is making for him....which she is not.
I just keep teasing him she is.  

Sometimes I gotta my store,
and you will find what you are looking for.
I really wanted to find something that was small enough
to fit on the side of our sectional.

When I spotted this beauty at our store,
 I knew it had to come home with me.
It once was a carpenters tool caddy.
Well worn and very sturdy.

It fits perfectly don't you think?
But you may ask---
Janice what kind of a side table is this?

Not a table I answer,
but a place to tuck in my favorite magazines...

Prim ones, farm style and the newest Woolworks.
Sometimes you just need to think outside the box.
So if you are on the hunt for a prim magazine rack,
check out some wood tool caddy holders.

Hope your week is going good for you.
Have to return back to work in the morning.
Mini vacation over with now. :-(
However Friday is just around the corner.

Wood Tool Caddy Blessings To All!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Polished Up Room

Happy Tuesday everyone!
This afternoon I am taking my daughter back to the doctor.
Hopefully she will be able to have the cast off 
and start therapy on her leg.

Just before our party on Saturday
we polished off the decor in our back room.

This what we decided on.
Bob made this simple sign for me along time ago.
He also made these for our store. 
I told him he should make more again.

We received these wood exercise clubs
for our wedding.
Instead of leaving them on the floor,
I chose to place them in this grain sieve.

The final corner of the room.
Peek at our bench.

Bench next to the cabinet.
Nine patch quilt with blue & white striped stockings.
Basket on the bench has wool roving in it.

Placed this horse on the wall.
It was originally a child's rocker.
There would have been two horses
cut out like this one,
with a seat in the middle.
The two trenchers stacked on top of each other
hold faux artichokes and corn cobs, with a light.

Other half of our sectional.
Do you see the tobacco tins on the top shelf.
We added those back as well.

The mustard child's chair are the ones my grands
use to sit in when they were much younger.

Off to clean the kitchen.
Bob painted the one wall and cabinets white again.
Unfortunately he also painted my curtain rod holders
white and the rod is now he has to repaint them.  
It looks so bright in there again.

Will show pics afterwards.

Hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday!

Polished Up Room Blessings To All!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Afternoon friends.
Last evening was a fun time
with our Christmas vendor party.
Good food and drinks were had by all.
We had a bit of a mishap though.
One of our friends sat in my great grandparents chair,
and if you guessed, it broke underneath him.
I had told another vendor not to sit in it as
I was afraid being over 150 years old it would break.
 Guess I should have made an announcement to all.
He was fine, just a bit embarrassed. 
The broken chair went home with another vendor.
She is going to make it into a towel rack.
I have one more chair left.
Next party it will be put into the bedroom out of sight.

Today I had planned on taking down the Christmas decor.
Woke up feeling blah..and the fog did not help.
So I decided instead to work on a creation
 I have been stitchin up. 

Wrapped in love will be made into a pillow
for our love seat.

Vines wrap around whatever they can,
so it was fitting I thought to have these in my design.
The vine will be in wooly greens.

Whilst the rest of the design will be in this red floral,
and red floral stripe.

I figured what better way to to spend 
the day doing something I love to do!
How are you spending your Sunday afternoon?

A Lazy Sunday Afternoon Blessings To All!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Lets Try This Again

Good afternoon friends.
I am going to try this again.
Pics of our back room with a few more added.

I just love how our sectional fits in this room.

This cabinet holds our tv.
Notice my currently holds some of my
wool and fabric...things I am working on.

My desk corner with the railroad rack above.
These railroad racks would have been on passenger trains,
where passengers would place belongings on.
Much like the overhead compartments on planes.
There would be rows of these along each side of the train car.

Some of my crock collection.
The one on the left bottom is called a cake crock.
These were the first cake pans in the early days.

A better picture of our sectional and rug.

See how well our former side table 
looks as a coffee table now.

This dough box is one of our early pieces.
It is from the 18th century...1700's.
Original red paint.

A hay rake turned into a peg rack.
I am keeping my newest feather tree hear for my
Valentine hearts.

Corner with graduated yellow bowls.

Corner into our kitchen
This ladder holds some of my quilts,
while the 30 gallon crock holds all of my many
drawings of which hopefully I will make someday.

Close up of my blue white quilts.

Well I hope everyone has a great weekend.
It will be a busy one for us.
Tomorrow night we are hosting our vendor
Christmas party...and yes I still have my
Christmas decor up...all but the back room.
So Sunday will be spent taking it down finally.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Back Room Reveal

Part One.
Good evening sweet friends!
Happy Monday to you all!!!
One day away to the weekend.
Can you believe we are already halfway 
through the month already?

It was a busy weekend for Bob and I.

Saturday I had to clean the spare bedroom....
and trust me it looked like a tornado hit in there.

Sunday we re-arranged our store and then
I came home to laundry and more cleaning.
Then later we went to Bob's cousin's for dinner.

Monday I had off from work and took my daughter
to the grocery store and then she and I and the grands
went to lunch. By the time I got home, I was too pooped
to do anything.

Our sectional came, but we were only able
to get a few walls decorated.
Here is what we did so far.

These pictures were taken at night,
so I am sorry they might not be the best.

Our sectional is gray and taupe on an off white background.

Our new old coffee table.
Before this was our side table, but fits better here now.

Corner with railroad rack and desk. 

Desk with stool.

I love how this tin lamp shows the pattern on the wall.

Suitcase and straw hat on top.

My Home is Love picture.

Crocks and piggin (bottom shelf in middle)

Flower Basket and wood tote on the floor.
Our gray and white pattern area rug.

Wall cubby Bob made years ago.
Currently holds our white stoneware and firkin on top.
Graniteware in the middle.
More stoneware on bottom.

A I said, these pics are not the best.
Will have to take some another day.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Back Room Reveal Blessings To All!