Prims By the Water

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Throwback Thursday

Good evening friends.
As the year ends, 
I realized this is the last Thursday of 2016.
What a better send off for a
Throwback Thursday.
Hope you enjoy my Christmas past.

My son Matt on the left.
Grandson Michael in the middle.
Daughter Michele on the left.

 Mikayla and Michael opening their presents.
This was the year they lived with us.
It was actually nice having kids in the house again...
I sure missed them when they left,
but my daughter wanted her own place again.
This was after her divorce.

Snowing here at the moment as I write this post.
Earlier I went grocery shopping.
Bob and I are playing it low key this New Year's Eve.
Staying home and doing appetizers for dinner.
We also do our annual crab leg dinner.
Its our way of splurging instead of going out.

What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
Will you be attending a Party?
Hosting your own party?
Playing it low key yourself?

To be honest...I might be in bed before the ball drops.
One never knows if I can stay up that late anymore. LOL

See you in the New Year!

Last Throwback Thursday Blessings To All!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Saying Goodbye to 2016

Saying hello to 2017.

2016 was a year of turmoil, stress, anxiety,
nervousness and even joy.

It was the year Bob found out he had prostate cancer...
and is now cancer free.

It was the year I received a call saying my daughter was
involved in a motorcycle accident...
thankfully she only broke her leg.

It was a year where I thought I might lose my job...
but ended up winning an award for being one of the best in the country in my position,
and given a paid vacation to Kansas City.

It was one where we lost many friends and family members...
now we will have the memories to share until we meet again.

Now as I look at 2016, I realize it was still a wonderful year.

One where our business grew.

One where we celebrated my nephews wedding
in North Carolina.

One where we visited many friends and family,
making new memories along the way.

One in which we were able to add a new outdoor living space,
remodeled our bedroom and now in the midst of changing
up our back room.

The pictures above where what our back room looked liked.
Below is the new color scheme.

Benjamin Moore
Moonshine for the walls.
Lampblack for the trim.
The ceiling same color as our bedroom..but forgot the color.
It was an off white.

Our Christmas present to each other.
A new sectional to be delivered in the New Year.
Mid January to be exact.

New wood floor to be installed right over the old one.
(we are hoping the extra layer will make it warmer)

Tonight we are off to look at an area rug.

Then once everything is done...
the fun begins again in 2017.
Most of the cupboards will stay.
Just placed in a different way.
Mixed in with a few surprises.

I already love the new lighter look.
The colors are the latest Greiges that are out there.
A mixture of gray and tans. 
It is more of a farmhouse look, but not the whites
that most folks are using for that look.
I always have been a bit out of the box type of person.

I look forward to sharing what I have in store
for this room for Valentines.
I promise it will not be the normal Valentine look,
but my own primitive style.

Will you miss 2016 or are you looking forward to 2017?

Saying goodbye to 2016 Blessings To All!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Always Keep Christmas

In Your Heart.

I want to wish all of my friends a

M E R R Y 

Remember to always keep


In your


Christmas Blessings To All!

(just finished this stitchery up today)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Good Intentions

Well dear friends,
I was caught with my pants down...
literally speaking here.

I had good intentions on
creating a wonderful display
with my numbers.
Do you remember these?

I had a really neat idea originally,
but got sidetracked.
So I came up with this at the last minute.

Plan B to the rescue again it seems.

Just another simple put together last minute display.

Using another pair of shoes and one of my dolls.

 I told Bob next year I may have to start
decorating in October.... 

I just realized I never even sent out my Christmas cards.

Is anyone out there like me this year?
Did you find that Christmas just crept up like
a Mack Truck?

I did not even finish my wool Santa applique,
and now I have been drawing things up for
Valentines already.

One good thing, it will be a quiet Christmas
for Bob and I...must needed our space time.
Then again he is already talking about painting
 our back room.
Here we go again. LOL

Good Intention Blessings To All!

Monday, December 19, 2016

A Festive Bedroom

Happy Monday all!
Our family Christmas yesterday was a success.
Hooray, Yipee.
My 9 year old granddaughter Mikayla made
chocolate chip cookies for everyone.
I have to admit they were yummy!
Since Michele broke her leg,
the kids have stepped it up to help her out.
They take turns cooking and washing clothes.
Now if we could get them to clean their messy rooms.

The food must have been good...because there 
was only a bit of ham and cheesy potatoes left.
It was fun catching up with everyone...
but I was pooped when they all left.
My mom spent the night and we both got
into our pj's and watched Hallmark Channel
Christmas movies.
Bob did his own thing in the other room. 

I usually have a forest of trees in our house
(according to Bob)
but with our bedroom redo, only the living room
and part of the kitchen was decked out this year.
After I did a bit in the master bedroom,
Saturday afternoon I decided 
to try and create some festive cheer
 in the other bedroom.

I had these wood spools, so I wrapped them in
red & white ribbon for a bit of cheer.
(Pinterest to the rescue)

I put this together really quick.

With my shoes.

Also wrapped some linen I had with the same ribbon,
and tucked in a bit of holly.

Added  a shoe form.

Finally put together this simple arrangement,
using more holly, one poinsettia 
with a fabric heart I had made.

I had wanted to frame this song sheet...
but oh well
 Plan B 
just put it in the buttocks basket.

No forest in here Bob...maybe next year though. ;-)

Glad I was able to give my mom some Christmas cheer
in the bedroom she stayed in.

This was also the first year where we did not put
up our lights outside.

Pinterest has been my friend lately.
If you would like to look at my boards and pins,
I am incognito under Bob's name.
Just look up 
Robert Ahee on Pinterest 
and it will come up.
You can follow me there if you like.

Is Pinterest your friend?
Do you have a Pinterest Board?

Festive Bedroom Blessings To All!

Friday, December 16, 2016

My Red Mitten Story

Good evening dear friends.
Loving all of the Christmas tours out there.
You all are 

Tonight I would like to share with you my mitten story.

My aunt recently knitted me three
 adorable little mittens.
She did an awesome job being 80 years young herself.
I just love them!!! 

I have always been partial to red mittens.

Growing up I had a many pairs of my very own red mittens.
I wore them when we would go into the woods at Gramma B's
looking for our perfect Christmas tree.

I had snowball fights with my cousins wearing
my red mittens.
I made snowmen and snow forts in them.

I wore them to church at Christmas and afterwards,
went sledding down the hill at gramma H's.

I was wearing them when my dad got stuck in the snow
one snowy evening on our way to Gramma H's farmhouse.
My red mittens and I carried our dog through the snow
to gramma's, while my dad carried my sister,
and my mom carried by brother.

I wore my red mittens while riding my pony "Star"
at Gramma B's farmhouse in the Winter.
I wore them traipsing to school and back home
each Winter day.
(Yes, I had to walk to school)

This time of season I am always reminded of my red mittens.
Each year, my mom would get me a new pair.
Either I wore them out, or out grew them...
but cherished each pair I wore.
Now as I sit here,
the picture above is what I currently see,
while writing to you about my own mittens.

Do you have a fond memory of the season?

Because of the snow of the century coming now.
(my sister called it that)
We postponed our family Christmas until Sunday.
My daughter and grands will now be here.
I am so blessed.

Red Mitten Blessings To All!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December CupboardScape

Good evening all.
It warms my heart that so many of you
loved our new bedroom.
I read aloud to Bob
each and every comment you wrote.
He was beaming and smiling from ear to ear.
I am so proud of him!
Thank you all for making his day!!

His dad had a small home improvement business,
where Bob learned how to do pretty much everything.
He often still works with his cousin who is a 
General Contractor when not working in our store.

Tonight I am trying to be festive.
My daughter's cast is off her leg,
and she is now in what they call a 
fracture boot. 
Her next appt. is on January 10th.
We have been trying to figure a way we can
get her and the kids here for our family Christmas
this Saturday...however they are predicting
snow and sleet now. 
Not a good combination for one who has 
a broken leg and cannot put pressure on it.
We may have to bring Christmas to her on Sunday.

I did manage to add a bit of Christmas cheer
into my last CupboardScape of the year.

This jolly ole elf is from the 1940's.
I purchased him last year
at the Webster Flea market in Florida.

He fits nicely in with my tree of silver
don't you think?

I have been collecting silver ornaments
for a few years now 
and believe I may have enough
for this tree.
The smaller ones at the top are antique feather tree ones,
while the larger ones are vintage ones.

The tree topper is an antique.

I wrapped a faux feather tree in white lights
just down the center stem from top to bottom.
The bulbs sparkle even more because of this.
I purchased the tree from Hobby Lobby many years ago.
In fact the year I bought them to use as displays
for our primitive shows, I had many many
folks want to buy them...but I explained to all that
they were not old and not for sale.
I did however tell then where they could purchase one.
Hobby Lobby no longer sells these at my store,
so not sure if they are available anymore.

That does it for another year of 
Thank you again Barb for giving me this idea
to showcase my primitives in a suitcase.
I had fun deciding each month what to put in it.
Hope you enjoyed them too.

Also hop on over to
Merry Wind Farm. 
Melinda is having a sampler pattern giveaway.

Year End CupboardScape Blessings To All!