Prims By the Water

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fall Snippets

Happy Tuesday to one and all!
Hope your week is going good for you thus far.
I spent my Saturday afternoon adding 
a bit of Fall to our house.
Hope you enjoy.

My favorite teddies with their homegrown pumpkin.

A hooked acorn.

Perfect for my candle.

Iron bunnies with their pumpkin buddy.

Added a bit of Fall decor to the floor.
Used a birch park vase for the arrangement.

Leaves in between our apothecary and wood box. 

The other side of our kitchen with more drieds
on another tobacco rack.
Left to right ~ dried weeds, sweet annie, wrapped twine,
broom corn and a wooden spoon.

A sweet waxed crow in with mixed drieds.

I so enjoy this time of the year.
Colors changing on the trees.
The acorns hitting the ground as they fall 
from the mighy oak in my neighbors yard and 
 the squirrels scurrying away to hide them all for
 their Winter bounty.
Warm glow of the candlelight at night.
The smell of the campfires in the park
on my drive home now.

What makes you happy about this time of year?

Public Service Announcement.
Don't forget to comment on my last post
if you would like to get into my giveaway.
Drawing to be held Sunday.

Thanks to those who have already commented.
I loved reading each and everyone!
It is so nice to have sweet blogging friends
such as yourselves.

Fall Snippet Blessings To All!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

2016 Boo Giveaway

Good afternoon sweet friends.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend thus far.
Spent yesterday bringing out my Autumn decor.

As promised today is the start of my
2016 Boo Giveaway.

Winner will receive my BOO candle mat...
plus this

wee lil black pumpkin named Inky.

Besides Christmas, Halloween is one of my
favorite holidays!
Although I no longer decorate our home,
(no kids in our neighborhood)
I love that we can decorate our store for our customers.

For a chance to win these two items created by me,
you will need to leave a comment on this post only.
The comment must be something related to Halloween.
A favorite memory, or how you like to celebrate,
your favorite candy or even a scary moment you had.
Anything related to Halloween.

One comment will get you one chance into the drawing.

If you want more chances, post my giveaway to your sidebar,
and you will get 3 total chances to win.

If you do a post about my giveaway, you get 5 chances to win.

If you bring me a new follower,
 you will get 10 chances to win, 

I will post the winners name next Sunday,
so this gives you a week.

Good luck to all!

Boo Giveaway Blessings To All!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Flax And Linen

Linen and Flax.
Good evening sweet friends.
Did you all enjoy the first full day of Fall?
This is my latest buy that I am dedicating
a full post on.
Do you know what this item is?

If you guessed a flax are correct.
Look at all those sharp teeth.
The box in the back was used to place 
over the sharp nails when not in use.

These were important in the use of 
locking, straightening and cleaning flax.
Basically this is the last step to prepare 
flax for spinning into linen.

What makes this flax comb very special to me,
is the date punched in.
Can you see it?

Once the flax was combed out or heckled,
it was then spun on a flax winder like this one...
and made into linen.
Once it was spun, it was stretched and boiled
to set the twist put in by spinning.
It was then weaved into linen.
Bleaching occurred before or after the weaving was done,
by leaving it out in prolonged direct sunlight
or using chemicals like lye soap or chloride of lime.

Close up of my hank of flax.

Oh by the way, the flax comb in an earlier pic
was sitting on a piece of bleached white linen.

There is your bit of history on flax & linen.

Next week I will announce my
Halloween stayed tuned.

Linen & Flax Blessings To All!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Tiny Treasure

Good afternoon all!
Well I believe Fall or Autumn...
however you like to call it is upon us.
The night's are getting cooler here,
and the leaves are starting to turn a bit.

I will be doing some major Autumn 
decorating this weekend,
so stay tuned for what I have up my sleeve.

For now,
I wanted to share with you this tiny treasure
I found on our buying trip.

It is a blue and white stoneware bowl.
It is only 3 inches high with a 5 inch diameter.
The pattern is called
Wedding Ring.

Even though it has a small hairline crack,
I knew it had to come home with me.

To be displayed proudly in my kitchen cabinet
of other tiny bowls.
I have room for three more on this side....
but then again I may move the pitchers on top
and add more there.  ;-)
Never too many bowls I say......

Then I came across these vintage store numbers
which were used as price tags in the day....
before UPC codes.
I purchased two sets of the numbers 2 and 5.
One set for me and the other to sell.
Do you know what I am going to do with these?
Well stay tuned for the Christmas Holidays...
because I am going to use these in a display.

I did manage to sneak one more item into
the house on our buying trip...
but that will get its own post.

Oh more thing.
Stay tuned for a giveaway.
Tis the Halloween season coming up soon.

Tiny Treasure Blessings To All!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Pumpkins For Sale

Good evening sweet friends.
I am so very excited to show you my latest finish.
This was a pattern from Lori
HomeSpun Prims blog.

To be honest I did not think I would get this
done in time for this year....
I stopped counting after frogging 10 times.
My fault entirely....
but I did finish it! 
Woot Woot
Sometimes I change the colors up in patterns,
but Lori's was PERFECT for me.
Plus it was easy to follow.

So after I finished this up yesterday....
I pondered what to do with it.
I decided to get out some rusty pins and twine.

Pinned each end and in the middle,
to hold the twine in place.

Hung it like a swag on my prim cabinet
in my kitchen.
Don't it look sweet?

Now that we are done with shows and buying for awhile,
I can once again focus on Autumn decorating.

Like just adding a faux pear to a green faux wreath.

I wish you could see this awesome stitchery better.

Somehow I could not get a good pic of it far away.

This close up is the best I could do.
So sorry :-(

So if you are inclined to whip up some stitching
projects for yourself,
please head over to Lori's blog at
Home Spun Prims. 
Trust me you won't regret it.

Pumpkins For Sale Blessings To All!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Wonderful Postal Surprise

Happy Saturday Friends!
Bob and I are back from our buying trip.
We left early this morning due to the rain,
but our van is chock full of goodies
for both our store and upcoming Breckenridge, MI show...
and of course for me :-)
Boy did it rain.
Had about a two hour delay though as we
got into Michigan on I75.
A rollover semi blocked the entire expressway,
and it took forever to get off at the exit to detour
around it...but we finally made it home.
We decided to unpack the van in the morning.

What a wonderful surprise it was to find in my mail
the item I purchased from My Primitive Heart.

My package from Julie was sent to me 
wrapped with JOY!
Something smelled wonderful too!

I then opened the card and the prim pillow I ordered.
Along with the thank you note from Julie.
The wonderful smelly stuff 
was the scented putka pumpkin pods
Julie sneaked into my order.

Once I was done admiring Julie's 
wonderful work, I grabbed a wooden bowl
and placed my goodies in it...even the rose hips
that were tied with the fabric ribbon.

I know that all of the jacks are happy
with their forever home now.
Thank you once again Julie for my goodies!!!

If you would like some spooktacular goodies for yourself,
be sure to visit Julie's blog at
My Primitive Heart. 

Will be sure to show the items I bought in a later post.
For now, I am going to watch some tv and catch up
on my blog reading.

Wonderful Postal Surprise Blessings To All!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September CupboardScape

Good afternoon sweet friends.
Since we will be leaving for our buying trip
in a few days...I thought I should feature
my September CupboardScape before leaving.

A bit of Autumn.
Hanging from left to right.
Cowpeas, okra, mule muzzle, hydrangea wreath,
indian corn and my bunny ditty bag.

Bob and I purchased some awesome script crocks.
I decided to keep one which is on the left.

The crock on the right is a hair tonic one.

Do you notice how green that okra is?
The dealer I bought these from at Holly
told me the secret to keeping it green
while drying is to keep it in the dark in a cool place.

I simply love all of the colors together.

Side view of CupboardScape
with early mirror tucked inside
and gold stripe flax bag.

My grandchildren will probably not know how to read this...
they are not taught handwriting anymore in school.
What a shame.

 I still love reading old manuscripts
written in pen and they are so beautiful.

Close up of the tonic crock.

So hoping you love this month's
I so enjoy putting them together for you.

Autumn CupboardScape Blessings To All!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

New Goodies From Holly Show

Happy Sunday to you all!
Please take a moment today to remember
those who were lost on this day
at the World's Trade Center in New York.
I watched our own remembrance 
in our small town this morning.

So do you all know I am a dufuss.
Yes, that is right.
I am a big ole dufuss.
I forgot my camera and therefore have no
wonderful pics to show you.

Especially since I finally got to meet both
Lauren from Rugs and Pugs.
Lauren came from Ohio to vend at the show.
She had some wonderful stuff too!

Then Francine from Primitive Stars
came all the way from Winnipeg, CA
to visit our show.
Little did I know her road trip was going to be 
seeing us all at the show.
What a big surprise that was!

I was so glad I finally got to meet these
fabulous women!
I also hope they both had a safe trip home....
not sure if Francine is even home yet.

Well Bob and I had a great show
and Dawn our host was awesome as ever!!!

I was able to score some wool for another 
project I have up my sleeve,
plus a few other goodies.
Here are a few.

This piece of stone fruit.

A darling green fig.

Last week Bob and I finally had to break down
and purchase another stove.
The old one was over 20 years old.
So we came home with this beauty.

Stainless steel and black.

Bob just had to have one with a griddle.
He does not not sure why he had to have it????
We got it anyway.  :-)
So of  course I had to make it more primitive looking.

I added my noodle board...
but it needed something else.
Good thing I found this at the show.

This handmade wood plate holder from
some wonderful Kentucky dealers.

I also bought this tiny cheese basket.

Back side of the basket.

Added the cheese basket, smaller pie peel in back,
another breadboard to the holder and prim grater
 to complete the look.
I think I did a pretty good job of hiding 
part of the stove anyhow....
what do you think?

Here's hoping everyone had a fantastic Sunday!
It looks to be a nice one here.

Post Holly Show Blessings To All!