Prims By the Water

Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Plantings Show Part 3

Good morning sweet friends.
Bob and I are all packed and ready to go.
We are off to Breckenridge...
well after we go and have some breakfast.
I am bringing along the camera once again.
Maybe I will remember to take pics of our own space this time. LOL

Here are the last of the Holly Spring Plantings show.
I am already starting to draw out some things 
for the Fall show.
Stay tuned.

How will you be spending your weekend?
I will be drooling at this next show...
and hopefully buying something special to take home.

Weekend Blessings To All!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring Plantings Show Part 2

Good morning sweet friends.
As promised, part two of the show pics.
I'm telling ya...
I could have spent some serious money
for some awesome pieces...
It was hard having to pass up on many things I wanted...
Let me know if you see any favs here you would have liked.

Early Prim Blessings To All!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Plantings Show Part 1

Good morning sweet dear blogging buddies.
Thank you once again for your prayers for my kitty Ace.
The poor thing somehow jumped into our wood firebox
and could not get out yesterday morning.
Thankfully Bob was still at home and got him out.
He is still sore but getting his strength back each day.

Here are some pics of the 
Spring Plantings show from last week.
I have so many pics that I will feature these in 3 parts.
However dufuss me forgot to take pics of our own booth. LOL
 There were so many wonderful goodies.
I wish I had more money than I did...
but I still was able to purchase a few goodies for me.
Will show those off next week.

For now here is the first part.
If you were like me,
you will be drooling too!


Prim Show Blessings To All!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Peter Arrived

Good morning sweet friends.
The show last weekend was a success.
Another one this weekend.
Its been hectic wondering if Ace will be alright,
and my nerves are shot.
I took him to my vet yesterday.
We got the feeling on Saturday morning that 
the emergency vet was just milking us.
I called then to tell them that my son would pick him
up that morning and they said he needed surgery.
I immediately gave the phone to Bob and he told them no more money.
Fifteen minutes later they called back and said he passed
a blood clot and woould be alright.
Now I wonder if that even happened,
cause my own vet could not understand why they did
some of the things they did.
Ace still needs your prayers as he is still not 100%.
You are all the best!

Now while we were gone,
Peter Rabbit arrived at the homestead. LOL

Will post show pics later this week.

Peter Rabbit Blessings To All!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Snowy Day

Good evening sweet friends.
Please say a small prayer for my kitty Ace.
He is the black and white one from my last post.
Bob and I took him to the animal hospital last night.
He has crystals in his bladder.
He had to stay again at the hospital tonight.
I am so worried about him.
I know the power of prayer is awesome,
and you all are so awesome!

Back to tonight's post.
I know I have been griping about the snow,
but last weeks event sure was a picture perfect one
 that I had to share.
I will let the pics speak for themselves.

Good Night Blessings To All!

Monday, March 17, 2014

A Lazy Kind Of A Day

Good morning dear sweet friends.
Yesterday  I worked on pricing goodies,
a bit of laundry and then just relaxed.
I took a clue from my furry friends
to have a lazy kind of day.

Ace on top of the couch.

Peeps on the floor behind the couch.

Shadow sprawled out on the couch.

Even our neighbor kiity Yoda was sleeping outside on our table.
We left a blanket out there, so he decided to use it.

How did you spend your Sunday afternoon?

Lazy Day Blessings To All!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

For The Love Of Pine

Good morning sweet buddies!
Today  my daughter and I are off to my nephews bridal shower.
Well, his fiance's shower.
I am not sure if Bryan will be there.
However I have been to a few co-ed showers.

Before I go,
 thought I would share with you a few pieces
of furniture that we are taking to the Holly show.

This is a kneeling bench.

This beauty has great patina and constructed with square nails.

Two more pieces.
A schoolmasters desk and a side table.

Then there is this washstand that will be sold
with an ironstone pitcher and basin.
If you look real close, the pitcher is on the shelf behind
and the basin is above that on my red/ blue blanket.

Do you love pine as much as I do?

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Old Pine Blessings To All!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Keeping Warm

Good morning sweet friends.
Well yesterday Winter storm Vulcan
dumped another 7 inches of snow here.
We are so ready for Spring.
I decided to celebrate Vulcan's arrival
by wrapping up 
with one of my favorite quilts.

Do you see one you like
 so you can join me
the next time.

These are just a few I have around the house.

Here is a better pic of the latest wedding ring one.
I am going to sell this one at the Holly show.
Hope to see some of you there.

I also want to say that I appreciate all of your comments.
Right now I might not be able to answer them all
as things are pretty hectic with 3 shows back to back
coming up.
I promise to take pics of all of them.

Cozy Quilt Blessings To All!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hippity Hoppity

Good evening sweet friends!
First of all,
 I would like to thank everyone for your well wishes for Bob.
It means a lot to both me and him.
You all are the BEST!

Next, I wish I could be saying
Hippity, Hoppity
Easter's on its way...
but here in our neck of the woods...
more snow.
6+ of that darn white stuff again.
Right now it is raining,
but the switching over.

It might be a work from home kinda day tomorrow.

With that off my chest,
Here is the final bunny that will be wisked off
to the Holley Show next weekend.

Something simple I drew up.

He sports a faux lavender boutonniere.

With a plaid nose and old mis matched buttons for eyes.
His soft tail is raw wool.
Like me he is ready to hop right into Spring.
How about you?

Hippity Hoppity Blessings To All!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Progress Is A Good Thing

Good morning sweet friends.
Are any of you waking up hating the fact that you lost an hour?
This daylight savings time is going to kick me in the butt
tomorrow morning when I have to get up.

I managed to get 13 pennies completed for my rug.
This is the center of the design.
I am going to work my way out.
This is going to take me longer than expected,
because the next 4 weekends I will not be home.

Bob is making his own progress on our bedroom.

We now have drywall.

The door has been hung.
We found two pieces of old reclaimed moulding.
One to go over our new closet door 
with the other over the main door that goes into the room.
Bob also completed the little door under the shelves.
He added old reclaimed hinges and a porcelain door knob.

Once Bob is finished sanding,
we are ready for paint.

On another note,
hubby Bob now has to have hernia surgery
on April 14th.
He scheduled this after our shows,
but will not be able to lift more than 20 lbs afterward for 6 weeks.
Another set back, but he needs to get this taken care of.

A litlle bit of progress is a 

Daylight Savings Blessings To All