Prims By the Water

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

An Empty Nester

Good morning dear friends.
I want to wish you all a Happy 2014!!
Do you have any New Year plans?

These past few days have been spent making bunnies for our upcoming shows.

Tonight is our annual New Years Eve auction.
Fun times and good food with our antique friends.

My son moved out and Bob and I are once again empty nesters.

So what do you do with an empty out-dated bedroom?
Why you remodel it of course!

This will be my biggest challenge.
What to do with these three windows.
Any suggestions?

Paneled walls...gone.
File cabinet...gone.
Linoleum floors...gone.
Who puts linoleum in their bedroom?
This house was once a summer cottage home.
With the sand from the river, 
it was easier to clean.

Bi- fold doors...definitely gone.
What prim bedroom has those?

Our New Year will begin with a major re-do.
I am happy..Bob maybe not so much. LOL

I will keep taking pics of the progress,
so I hope you all stay tuned.

This room will be entirely gutted.

We found the perfect bed already,
and currently trying to find an old door.
You think that being antique dealers we would have some stashed away.
Nope, Bob sold them all recently.

Happy New Year and
Bedroom Redux Blessings To All!


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Presents Presents

Good morning sweet friends.
The new year is almost here.

Whew.. where did this year go?

I know I have said this a hundred times or more.
 Hubby Bob is the best!

My birthday was earlier in the month.
December 2nd.

I love bunnies.
Every room of my house has some kind of bunny in it.
Not sure what the attraction is, but I am drawn to them.
Bob knows me pretty good.
This was my birthday present.

A hooked bunny rug.

I tucked this beauty away for a bit.
Bob and I will be doing a project come the first of the year.
This will be part of those plans.
Stay tuned.

Next my Christmas present.
Did I say my hubby was the best!

An early linen sampler.
It has some damage and needs to be professionally framed.
 I love the colors!
Unfortuantely, I do not know the year this was stitched,
as that was part of the damage. 
However, it was stitched in December by Mary Catherine Wilson aged 9 years.
Mary Catherine was fromToronto City.
Toronto became a city in 1834, so that is a starting point for me to date this piece.
Will need to do some research.
Even though it has some condition issues. 
It still is a beauty to me!!

Living in a small town, I have no idea where to take this,
so if anyone has any ideas on how this should be re-framed,
please let me know.

Sampler Blessings To All!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Morn Re-Visited

Good morning dear sweet friends!
Well Christmas came and went so fast at our home,
that I thought I would share a few pics
of Christmas morn at the old homestead.

It was a beautiful snowy morning...
for those of you who like the white stuff.
It was pretty as the snow stuck to everything.

A view of our wagon with the state land in the background.

Our new porch...complete with rails now.
Santa left my grandson a bike out on the porch.
Not sure why? But he loved it anyway!

Inside we were all toasty and warm.

Bob started a fire and it was nice!

The trees were all aglow.

I think the big guy liked his image sitting on this fine steed.

This Santa overlooked everyone as this small red dry paint cabinet
is perched about 10 feet high.

The dinner table was set.
Winterberry pattern dishes from Pfaltzgraff.
The glasses were a gift from my then 10 year old son.
He purchased them at Arby's.
For those of you who do not know what Arby's is.
It is a fast food roast beef restaurant.
He is now 30 and I still love them!

Dinner was unconventional.

Bob wanted to grill steaks for everyone.
We visited our local meat market and had them cut
a whole sirloin into steaks.
I made twice baked potato, corn and green bean casserole.
My mom made her homemade rolls and broccoli cheese casserole, 
thinking we were having ham.
It was yummy!

We did not tell anyone the dinner menu and they were all surprised.
The steaks must have been good, cause none were left.

Dessert was chocolate and cherry pie and my mom's homemade cinnamon rolls.

That sums up our Christmas day.
Presents were unwrapped and the grands spent the night.
Mikalya beat everyone in the Memory game.
Michael enjoyed his Kindle Fire.
Then they spent the next day sledding.

It was nice having the house filled with love and joy.
I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas like I did.

In my next post I will show you both my birthday and Christmas presents. 

Christmas Past Blessings To All!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Silver Bells

Good evening Sweet friends.
I again want to wish all of you a very
Merry Christmas!

Hope all of your wishes come true
and Santa brings you everything on your list.

This year I decided to do some of my trees in silver.
No I do not mean a silver tree...
silver decor.

Here is a snippet of what I did.

Vintage and antique feather tree ornaments.

Close up.

Silver snowflakes.

Antique silver candle holders.
(I apologize for the blurry pic)

Decided to use my galvanized pitcher for my kitchen centerpiece this year.
Sorta silver. LOL
Added white tulips and holly.

Silver Bell Blessings To ALL...
And to all a Good NIGHT!



Sunday, December 22, 2013

Little Bit Of Here And There

Good afternoon Dear Friends!
I just cannot believe Christmas is this week.

I hope everyone has their gifts purchased...
and maybe wrapped too.
Me, I still have a few things to wrap.
One more day of work and I am on vacation
until the the NEW YEAR.

So here are some pics of here and there.

My collection of Santas.

These long johns are not mine. LOL

Drop leaf desk.

Crockery and a favorite quilt.

Needlepoint Santa pillow.

Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon!

Little Bit O' Blessings To All!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Santa Giveaway

Good evening dear friends.
I Hope all is well with each and every one of you!
Whew, Christmas sure is coming FAST.

As promised, I have the winner of the giveaway.

Before I announce the winner though,
I wanted to let you all know 
that I simply enjoyed everyone's lists.
There were some very naughty ladies out there..
and you also were very nice!

I did not get a chance to comment back to you,
but wanted to know I did enjoy reading them!

I also want to welcome my newest followers.
Plus a big thank you to my current followers.
It's been a fun year and I look forward to many more posts
in the coming year.

I also plan on more giveaways for 2014,
so stay tuned.  

Currently working on bunnies right now.
Yes, I have to start for shows and our store.

Ok, I know the suspense is killing you.
The winner is 
Congratulations Cindi.
Send me your address, and I will ship your Santa.

Snowy White Blessings To All!
We are expecting 4 to 7 inches of snow tomorrow.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Cheer

Good evening sweet friends!
Temps are going in the teens tonight 
and will be our high tomorrow. BRRR.

So grab a cup o' coffee or some hot cocoa
and join me in some Christmas cheer !

A pair of tiny red child's mittens on top of school books.
So sweet!

A simple lighted wreath.

A cherished sled and reindeer made by my dad.

Vintage Santa suit..complete with belt, hat and pants.

A new addition to my quilt family.
Reds and fav.

I have enjoyed reading all of your naughty and nice lists.
Just a reminder, for those who have not commented on my last post,
please do so by Friday.

Warm Fireplace Blessings To All!
(that's where I will be sitting by tonight)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Naughty Or Nice Giveaway

Good evening sweet dear friends.
Can you believe there are only 20 days left until Christmas?
Whew, where did the days go?

As promised, this will be my last giveaway for the year.
Up for adoption is my latest Santa creation wearing his nightgown.
Wrapped around his nightgown is an aged paper gingerbread.

Santa is ready for bedtime and he decided to go over his
naughty and nice list one more time before Christmas,
as things are getting pretty hectic at the North Pole.
Now Santa knows everyone at some point has been on his naughty list,
however they always did something good to get back on his nice list.

For this giveaway,
I would like each of you to let me know something 
naughty and something nice that you did as a child.

Here are a few of mine.

Janice's Naughty List
My younger sister Teresa is very afraid of worms.
One day I decided to play a naughty trick on her.
I asked her if she wanted me to push her on the swing.
She agreed, so I started pushing her really hard, so that she could go high.
When she was on the high end, I quickly placed a worm underneath the swing.
When she came back on the downside of course she saw the worm,
and started screaming.
She would not get off the swing and of course I did not remove the worm.
My mom ended up coming outside and she took her off the swing.
I of course was on Santa's naughty list.

My parents first home was decorated in the 50's style,
with primary colors of pink and turquoise.
I of course at the time preferred the turquoise over the pink.
The bathroom was also tiled in pink.
One day whilst I was brushing my teeth, I kept staring at that pink tile.
The light bulb went on.
Why not paint the tile turquoise!
I proceeded to add more Crest turquoise toothpaste to my brush,
and started painting the tile with it.
I thought it was a masterpiece.
My mom thought differently.
Once again I was on Santa's naughty list.

Well, I must have done something good each year
as I always received presents under the tree and no coal in my stockings. LOL

Janice's Nice List
One cold Winter while I was walking to school,
I heard a faint meow in a ditch near the road I was walking on.
At first I did not see anything, but then again I heard a little MEOW.
There in the snow was the tiniest little white fur ball.
Since I was closer to school than at home, I tucked him inside my coat
and went directly to the Principal's office.
Fortunately for me Mr. Dooley was good friends with our family.
He let me keep Snowball (what I started to call that Lil kitten)
in the supply room which was next to his office.
He emptied a box full of of copy paper and found some rags to line it.
The ladies in the cafeteria warmed up milk and cooked up chicken for the little guy.
I checked on Snowball between classes for the rest of the day.
We ended up finding a good home for him as our dog did not like kitties.
It was for the best.

This time I am 14.
Gramma H was selling her farm and it was the morning of the auction.
All of her furniture was out on the lawn. 
It was a sad time, but what gramma had wanted.
One of my cousins really wanted a side table, but had no money to bid on.
I told my cousin..let's just ask gramma if you can have it.
One of my uncle's wife ( never liked the woman) 
Well my so-called aunt overheard us and told us that her sister wanted that table.
This particular aunt already had pilfered furniture from another house
my gramma owned, so she was not well liked by anyone.
My cousin and I ran into the house to ask gramma about the table,
and she said we could have it.
Of course the aunt followed right behind us and grabbed my arm
as I was running out the door and told me,
"You better not take that table"!
I simply told her that my cousin was family and SHE WAS NOT.
We ran and grabbed that table and hid it in the woods until
everyone was gone.
My cousin still has that table today.

 See, I did do some nice things for others. :-)

Now let's see what naughty and nice things you all did as a child.
Remember you must tell me one naughty and one nice thing you did in a comment.
Your name will then be entered to win Santa.
Drawing to be held sometime on Friday December 13th.

Good luck everyone.
I look forward to reading all of your lists!

Naughty and Nice Blessings To All!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Few Christmas Pics

Good evening sweet friends.
Been absent awhile,
but am back now.

Monday was my birthday,
reached another milestone... 55 and am feeling it today.
Been having computer problems since Bob
downloaded Google Chrome.
He finally unloaded it and re-downloaded it.
Back in business.

Started my decorating, so thought I would share a few pics.

Stay tuned for a giveaway!

Decorating Blessings To All!